I have been scolded for being behind on my posts about the house next door. So here's another update (which is still a couple days behind)!
As you can see, they started putting up walls on the first floor. The first two pictures were taken from our bedroom closet window. That's the only window in our house you can actually see the new house. And I need to stand on a step stool to see out of said window. I think that's pretty nice. In the second picture you can see a BIG window on the main floor. That is where their dining room will be. And it looks at the side of our garage…interesting. I guess they will get good light in the dining room, but the view won't be anything to write home about. 🙂
Also, the second floor that is built is part of their living room which is an open two story living room. It looks nice, but all I see is wasted space where another room could go. But this is why there is only this part of the second floor done and nothing else.
I also love how they spray paint the house number on. I like it because it's pink, but their size cracks me up! More soon…maybe tomorrow!