I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We went to see Chuck's grandparents in Omaha and Council Bluffs. We were so excited to see snow when we were there! Sadly, there were a bunch of accidents and the snow made driving harder for those coming down, but since we were already there….we liked the snow a lot! 🙂 Here's one of the pictures I took out of the Hays' window. This was the day before Thanksgiving.
We also got to meet Hannah! She is Chuck's cousin Mikayla's daughter. She was born when we were in Alaska. She is a very sweet little baby. 🙂
Over at the Schminke house, Chuck's cousins from California were having a blast playing in the snow. I think his uncle had a bit of fun, too because they made this Snow Turkey. They were in the holiday spirit! I think it's just hilarious! It looks so very good. 🙂
I think it was last Christmas…Chuck's family pitched in a got a brick with his grandparent's names on it. They are displayed somewhere in Council Bluffs. Chuck's aunt and uncle went over there and took my camera with them. I thought I would share it. It turned out really nicely!
We came back on Friday for a tournament Chuck's team was in this weekend. They are so cute to watch! My mom, Dave and Charlie came with to watch. I don't think Charlie is going to start playing hockey anytime soon. I think he'll stick to basketball, but he had fun watching! They got 6th place in the tournament and played their hearts out!
Now it's going to be time for me to start working on Christmas gifts and getting ready for another trip to Omaha/Council Bluffs for the holiday. We have our tree up and I finished putting the rest of the decorations out today. So that's one thing to check off the list! Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend!