I finally got my new Toby Lightman cd (Let Go) in the mail yesterday. We got home late from hanging out with friends, so this morning I promptly turned the cd into mp3s for my iPhone and copied them over. In true Andi fashion…I somehow managed to screw this up. How many times have I done this? A ton. But apparently when Chuck looked at my phone it wasn't plugged in all the way. So I am sure that was the problem. But it said it was syncing….I am so sad. I went to listen to it on my walk through the skyway this morning, but nope. I failed and now I have to wait until I get home. I really should have known there was something fishy going on when I was syncing my phone and the space left on my phone was not any smaller than when I started. I just thought…hmmm, I guess that didn't take much space. I am such and airhead sometimes! I will let you know how it is though after I get to listen to it…darnit!
This is the cd front for the new cd. It doesn't appear to be in store anywhere, but you can buy it on iTunes or from her website. I think you can get it on the Home Shopping Network, too. (If you are into that sort of thing!)