It's actually happening. We are moving to Seattle! We have our flights booked and we couldn't be more excited.
Back in September, Chuck was laid off from Microsoft. They were closing all their remote locations and it was such a bummer for everyone there to lose their jobs!
After taking a little time off, Chuck got searching for a new job. Being the go-getter and amazing person that he is, he started looking at the big companies (Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft again). The catch is that all the jobs would be in Seattle. We briefly considered San Francisco, but knew we didn't want to live there. So the daunting, grueling, stressful task of interviewing began.
At the end of one of his trips, I made a short trip to Seattle to look around at neighborhoods and just loved it there! The pacific NW is so gorgeous…it's hard not to love it there. After finding a Target, it felt more like home and I knew I could live there!
So Chuck continued his interviews and we hoped for the best. He got a couple offers, but ultimately took a job with Google. And I couldn't be more proud of him! Not everyone gets to say they worked for Microsoft and Google! I'm in awe of him and all he can do.
At this point, we talked more and really had to decide if moving was something that was right for us and our family. It was an incredibly hard decision, but we knew if we didn't take this opportunity, he might not get one like this again. We have wondered what it would be like to live somewhere else and we would have wondered “what if” and had regrets if we didn't try this. So we held our breath, pressed the “send” button, and accepted the offer!
After accepting the position, it was time to start the moving ball rolling. Life has been a complete whirlwind. Really, since September, we have been taking one day at a time. We got our house on the market (are you in need of a new house, we'd love for you to buy ours!?) and started the process of getting ready to move across the country with children. On top of it all, we threw in having another baby. I mean, why not!? 🙂
Now just a few days away from our move, it's finally starting to feel more real. We are so excited to get out there, get settled and get back into a routine. We've been looking at houses online, but the serious looking will begin when we get there. I'm 90% sure I found a preschool for Maddie. That will be good for her. And I'm hoping to find a couple groups for me when I get there. Next up will be a pediatrician. There are so many things to think about with a move across the country!
I'm really looking forward to sightseeing and finding some new things for the kids and I to scope out. And milder winters. That makes me so happy!