Let's see. What might someone want to know about me.

I am married to my best friend and the most wonderful husband ever! His name is Chuck. We recently moved to a house we LOVE in Rosemount, Minnesota and plan to start a family there one day. We are currently enjoying our kid-less days while they are still here.
We are busy people. I am a tad bit lazy by nature, but thankfully Chuck doesn't sit still well and keeps us active. We do projects around the house (he's VERY handy), take trips, bike ride, swim, go on walks, rollerblade, boat, jet ski, downhill ski, play hockey (more him than me, but I'm learning), play broomball, play softball (we were too busy and didn't get on a team this year), and a multitude of other things. Life's too short to sit around…I am learning that and learning to enjoy the activities more and more!
I am currently a legal assistant at an Intellectual Property law firm. I am sure most of you have no idea what that is. We work on patents and trademarks. There are some really creative people out there!
I have started school again. I will be studying Computer Science. I haven't been in school in years and I'm freaking out about going back, but I am ready to take the plunge and start a new chapter in my life. I have a degree in Sociology (which really means I know a few things about a lot of things, but specialize in nothing) and a minor in English (which translates to, I can read and I can write papers), but I am fascinated by what Chuck does (he works at Microsoft and has a Masters Degree in Computer Science). So I am going to give it a try.
I always thought I wanted to stay home with kids, but realized after working at home that I get stir crazy. So I am hoping this new career will someday allow me to work from home when I need/want to, but still be able to challenge myself and keep my brain good and active. Not that kids and being at home wouldn't do that, I just want it in a different form. I know I will enjoy being home with kids for a while, but I enjoy having other outlets, too.
I had a craft business for a while (cards, jewelry…my dad was my best customer), but I didn't care for the part where I had to promote myself to make money. So now it has returned to being my hobby…which I haven't had time for in a while. I do still maintain another craft site called CraftsOnAWhim.com. I go in spurts with my posting depending on the time I have had to create new things!
I am trying to read more books and watch less tv. I think my mind turns into vegetable mush some nights when I get lost in shows for hours.
I keep a blog because I want to “journal” things. I am glad to have readers, but I do this for me. If you don't like the content…wait until tomorrow. You might like it then. 🙂 I tend to be quite random about what I posted here. But I suppose that is because I am a very random person!
I recently learned the joys of Twitter. I love useless information about people's lives!
I am short! Only 4' 10″. I have been known to find some creative ways to get things I need that are up high and I fit well in small places…i.e. under sinks!
When I meet new people, I like to try to find them on the Internet (i.e. Facebook) and learn all about them!
I like hanging out in smaller groups opposed to larger ones. Does this make me an introvert for not enjoying large groups? Or an extrovert for liking to hang out with people in general?
I would consider myself a homebody. Nothing is better than being at home with Chuck.
My hubby works for Microsoft, but we both have Macbooks and iPhones!
I love Star Trek and did name a pet after one of the characters.
I don't like to clean. But don't seem to hate it as much as I used to in the new house. I am sure that will pass when the house is no longer “new”!
I love going to the zoo. I should really be put on one of those leash things some parents attach to their children to keep them from running off.
There are only a handful of people I would call my best friends. I have many friends, but the best ones are precious to me.
I have two younger brothers. One is 4 1/2 years younger than me and the other is 17 years younger.
I like to cook, or at least I think I do. I love looking at cookbooks and magazines. But…see next paragraph.
I get incredibly nervous to try new things, but I am working to get over that fear. It's quite debilitating at times and frankly no fun. I am mostly afraid to fail. And failing is ok. You learn from it and grow. So it isn't all bad!
I am a recovering pessimist. At least that's what I call myself. I have very pessimistic tendencies, but I don't want that to define who I am. So I am working being more positive. Life is good and I want to live that way every day.
I am happy to answer more questions if you have any. I am sure I will get inundated with spam, but if you want to contact me, you are more than welcome to do so HERE. As things change in life, I will update this or add more tidbits as I realize them!