Friday after work, Chuck and I went to get mulch to finish up our landscaping project. (I'll have pictures soon…I want it to be complete before I post pictures!) It looks great and I am always surprised at the difference mulch can make in completing the look.
Saturday morning we finished and then went to buy a tree. A Pink Spires Flowering Crabapple tree. It's so cute. We even got it planted before we left for a birthday dinner at Chuck's mom's house.
(On a side note, we thought we might have planted it to close to the house…we planted it where the landscaping plan told us to. So Sunday we moved it a couple feet further from the house. It was definitely the right decision!)
Saturday night we went to Chuck's mom's house to celebrate her birthday. Here's a picture of the birthday girl with her cake!

And here's a picture of her birthday cake we picked out from DQ. I thought it was so cute!

We even made it back home for fireworks that Rosemount was having for their Leprechaun Days celebration. AND we sat on the roof to watch them! We weren't sure we would be able to see them, but it was awesome!

Then on Sunday we planted the few things left around the tree and then spread the rest of the mulch we had (we still need to get some more). Then our friends came over to hang out and have dinner. They brought the most gorgeous collection of flowers! Some were from their garden and some were from the St. Paul Farmer's Market.

And, I made the fruit salad I am now in love with (I mentioned it HERE) and remembered to take a picture this time! 🙂

And then to finish off the great weekend, we went swimming in the pool in the neighborhood after our friends left. It was a great weekend! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, too!