We went to Houlihan's last week for dinner and they had the most hilarious thing in their menus. Horriblescopes! I was looking at their website today and saw that they have them on there as well. I definitely recommend swinging by and checking it out. The link to get there is HERE. When you get there, click on the crystal ball and you'll see all the different horriblescopes. Read all of them….you won't be sorry! You might even find something to send a friend! I think it would be hilarious to put these in a card for someone. Of course it would have to be someone with a good sense of humor! 🙂
Author: Andi
Next Door
Time for a house building update! (I tried to put a couple days of non-Next Door posts in here!)
After they filled in the dirt around the house, the next step was to start building. And that's just what they did. These pictures show them framing in the basement.
I was fascinated to see that they build this on the gravel they put down and didn't lay the concrete floor first. Our guess is that they are waiting to do the plumbing since much of that goes inside the concrete. But I haven't built a house or seen one done, so this is all new to me!
Goldfish Graham Crackers
I am a huge fan of Goldfish! I could eat a whole bag of prezel, cheese or parmesan goldfish in a sitting without a problem! My coworker got some of these:
They are goldfish graham crackers. I know they aren't much different than just getting a package of graham crackers, but they are WAY more fun to eat! 🙂 And less messy! I always end up with graham cracker ALL over me and my surroundings when I eat them. My coworker and I decided they would be really yummy in some pudding! It's a good thing lunch isn't TOO far away! All this food talk is making me hungry! 🙂
Getting all settled
We are getting all settled in the new house. Most everything is put away and we are to a point where we don't feel like we HAVE to do anything around the house. We can just do it as we feel like it. That's really nice! And since we had our first guests staying with us last weekend (Chuck's grandparents) we made sure we had the guest room put together and everything looking nice and tidy! There's something about people coming over that makes me want to get things in order!
So we hung up some pictures and that really made a difference and made it feel like home. This frame shown below is from my brother and his girlfriend. They gave it to us last year for Christmas (or my birthday) and we had most of our stuff in storage. So we just got it out. I still don't have any of my own pictures in it, but it felt so nice to put things on the walls!
So when I get around to hooking up our photo printer, I'll get some pictures in it! You really can't expect me to do it ALL at once. 🙂
A foggy morning
The other morning when I woke up there was a gorgeous sunrise accompanied by lots of fog. I had to take a couple pictures because I thought it looked so pretty!
We finally have grass! We got it last Friday. I must say, it looks lovely. It's so nice to see such a nice big, flat lot! I'll get around to posting a picture soon! I just wanted to share my happiness!
I didn't get a chance to write this weekend because we had grandparents in town staying with us. So we spent time with them. I always love hanging out with grandparents! It's too bad we live so far away from them because I would love to see them even more! It was nice to enjoy this weekend's weather with loved ones!
Next Door
The other day they filled in around the house the dug out next door. They used up that big pile of dirt in the back (or most of it at least) and are all set for the next step!
It's baseball season!
My youngest brother, Charlie, plays many sports. This time of the year it's baseball. He also plays basketball and tried football this year. It's so fun to watch him play. These are a couple pictures from his game the other night. I didn't have my camera with me since we decided to go to the game on short notice. So you'll have to suffer with iPhone pictures! 🙂
At this age, they rotate positions. I was so excited to see my brother pitch! It's pretty good! I didn't get any good action shots, but here he is on the mound!
Charlie has also been working on his batting. I hear he has a pretty good average and makes a good hit every game! I am so proud!
And finally, after the game I even got him to smile for a picture! He's getting so big! Literally! He's almost as tall as me (just short by about an inch), even though I know that isn't saying a whole lot! 🙂
Sprinkle Sprinkle!
Woo hoo! They are installing the sprinklers today. And there's a possibility of grass tomorrow! This makes one very happy Andi! 🙂
Stupid Rain
Don't get me wrong, I love when it rains. I love a good thunderstorm. But this week, the rain has delayed my sprinklers and therefore, my grass! They were going to install the sprinklers today. But since it was so wet they pushed it back until Thursday. I hope that means I will get grass on Friday, but I am not going to hold my breath. Bummer. Oh well. It is what it is. Don't mind me…I'm just giving Ms. Mother Nature a stern shaking of my fist.