Yesterday our 44th president was sworn into office. I did not vote for him and I was also not a huge supporter of our 43rd president. But regardless, I had respect for the position. I find it so sad that people were booing 43 out of office and had such a lack of consideration and respect for the man who ran our country (which is a wonderful country to live in) for 8 years. These men have a very hard job and we should act more like adults instead of whiny children. So I ask that you keep yourself in check no matter what side of the road you walk on. Because we all live here and have to live here together. That is all.
Author: Andi
Eat Pray Love
I am the slowest readers in the world. I had been reading this book for ages and finally finished not to long ago (and have since finished another book I'll write about soon). I had heard many good things about this book and we had talked about reading it for Book Club (which isn't held in the winter months). So I gave it a try. It was a good book. Hard for me to get into. The author did a great job writing and is very witty. It was a very empowering (maybe that isn't the word I want).
She put her life back together after some very hard times and found a way to bring balance in as well. I think it puts things into perspective about what you want and that you sometimes need to do things you want to do, just to do them! I guess there is going to be a sequel coming out at some point, and I am sure I will read that since I am a sucker for sequels and (especially) trilogies! So strange, I know.
If you are looking for a pretty no-brainer book that will make you laugh out loud at times…this will do it. 🙂 And I promise it won't take you as long as it took me to read! 🙂
Christmas Celebrations
I haven't gotten around to posting pictures from Christmas. I haven't been posting as much as I would like in general. But mostly because I don't feel like playing on a computer when I get home from work. I just want to do something that doesn't involve thinking or typing. 🙂 But I am going to work on catching up on some of the things I have been meaning to post.
I have been doing a horrible job of taking pictures, so there aren't a ton of pictures. I am including a link to the Christmas gallery that has all the pictures I took.
When we were in Iowa, I went to the zoo with one of Chuck's cousins. We had a great time and both took a ton of pictures. 🙂 There are a couple pictures of her in that gallery, too.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and I hope 2009 is off to a wonderful start for you! 🙂
Reading in Bed = Bad for Andi
This is what happens to me when I read in bed. I was sitting upright at one point and apparently toppled over. Chuck came home from hockey to find me like this and kindly took pictures for me! 🙂
Space Warp 5000
This is yet another one of the fun gifts I got Chuck. This one was for his birthday. He sent me a video of it and was so excited. So of course, this little beauty was delivered to our house! He hasn't had a lot of time to put it together, but I can tell it's going to be really cool. You can see in the picture (and on the link I'll be attaching) that there is a track the marble rolls on. Well, you have to cut the track to length yourself! This is only the level three, but I really want to get him the Space Warp 10000 for next year! It's bigger and a level five! And it will be HUGE! 🙂 How cool! I think our next house really does need a game room of some sort!
I got this from Think Geek. This is my new favorite store and I will probably have to do another whole post just on this! HERE is the link I was talking about. There is a video you can watch on there, too! Maybe you'll have to get one for yourself! It would be a great conversation piece!
I got this little beauty for Chuck this year after a friend mentioned she got one for her hubby for Christmas. As soon as she mentioned it I knew Chuck would love it. Now we just need it to be nice outside so we can look at stars. I think it will be a very fun thing to learn and maybe I'll even find some martians! I love my Sci-Fi! 🙂
Chuck's dad also got one this year from his parents and I am sure they will be comparing constellations before I know it! I was just impressed I was able to surprise him and he actually liked the surprise. I'm already trying to think of things for next year! 🙂
If you have any fabulous ideas of things your hubby liked…let me know. I always need suggestions!
Stick Hockey
I am terrible at surprises. So this year I actually got TWO things for Chuck for Christmas that the didn't know about. The first one was this stick hockey game from Games By James. My step dad was with me when we saw this and I think he was jealous of it and wanted one for himself. This is just like bubble hockey, but without the bubble around it. It makes it much cheaper and more portable.
Chuck had no idea. I admit it wasn't the most practical gift I could have gotten him, but someday when we have a better area to put it (our next house) it will get used a lot I am sure! I was just happy I surprised him!
Happy Birthday Chuck!
Today is Chuck's birthday! We had a fun-filled and busy day. We rang in the new year with some great friends and then sang Chuck “Happy Birthday” immediately after. Which was then followed by cupcakes! We had gone snow tubing with said friends and had a blast! We had never been before, and I think we will surely go again!
after sleeping in, we got a call from Chuck's sister asking if we wanted to play raquetball. Me? Not so much. I was sore from tubing. But Chuck was definitely game! I played a little with them and then went to sit in the hot tub and sooth my muscles!
If that weren't enough fun for the day, we had a broomball practice this afternoon. We played for a couple hours (and I admit, I actually had fun) and then Chuck and I went to dinner. (Diets start tomorrow for the new year!)
It was a great day, but now my bed is calling my name…”you're getting sleeeeepy. Veeerrrryyy Sleeeeeepy!”
This Is The End….
Today is the final day of 2008. This was a good year! I am a little sad to see it go. But I know there are a lot of new exciting adventures ahead. I wish everyone a safe and happy New Year's Eve! See you in 2009!
Crazy Cakes
A while back I said I saw some really cool cakes at Lunds. Well, we were there again, and this time I took some pictures of them! Feel free to get hungry while you gaze at them!
And my favorite….
Aren't they cute!? They make me want to make and decorate cakes for a living. It would be so much fun! I might have to look into that as a new career venture! 🙂