I had a great time this weekend with a bunch of friends. Most of us are married to guys who have been friends since high school, junior high or before! They had a guys weekend, so we decided we should have a little getaway, too! This is a picture from Saturday night when we were all dressed up and ready to rule Breezy Point!

(From left to right around the circle…..Amanda, Kjirsten, Stephanie, Me, Kelly, Hillary, Ginger, Katie, Trisha.)
This picture just cracks me up and I had to share. This is Kjirsten! She is gorgeous and so tall! She does have some heels on in this picture, but we thought it was hilarious! So I took off my heels and made the high difference even more drastic! I love her haircut on her…I wonder if I could pull it off?? Probably not! There's no way I could look as cute as she does with that do!

And while I was up there, I went to a couple great stores! The Fun Sisters and Lillians. They have a bunch of big name look a-like purses and they are really cheap. I was going to get something there, but all I could think about was the purse I wanted from Target. So I ended up getting that! And I was (and am) very happy about it! Here's a little picture of it for a refresher!