I have finished this book…actually, it was some time last week that I had it done. We are meeting for Book Club on it next week. I really liked the book. I thought it was entertaining and a fun read. It wasn't a complicated story and was easy to follow. I thought the author did a good job making the reader feel like they were part of the story. It helps that I really put myself into the places the book talks about. So I felt like an onlooker during the whole book and really liked (and disliked) the characters. I would definitely recommend this book. So if you are looking for a good book to pass the time on the weekend at the cabin….pick this one up!
Author: Andi
Woo Hoo!
Woo Hoo! It's the weekend! Well, in a few minutes. 🙂 We're leaving work early today to head to Iowa for a weekend at the cabin with some of Chuck's relatives. It should be a good time. We haven't seen most of them in a while…Christmas maybe! We're bringing the jet ski and his cousin is bringing his boat. It should be a blast. Have a great weekend!
My Poor Lilies!
So one day I get home and THIS is what I see.
I was so sad. They look so pitiful! One morning Chuck came to tell me to look outside because there was a rabbit having a smorgasbord on my plants. It ran away before I saw it, but if I saw it I may have ran out there and done something to it. Then I would have announced we were having Rabbit Soup for dinner.
Then on top of that, we had a bunch of really strong winds at our house and one of them was almost pulled out. I have it leaning up against the one next to it. My poor lilies. Thankfully they have flowered and are still blooming. Had this happened before they had flowers, I am not sure they would have gotten any at all. That would have really made me sad since hardly any of my other lilies are blooming (which I am sure is partly due to cutting them in half and replanting them in the back).
Let this be a lesson to you….don't let a rabbit cut your hair. They do a real knock up job!
What do YOU want to be when you grow up?
I have to post this funny article Chuck showed me from The Onion the other day. It cracked me up. It gives a whole new meaning to “what do you want to be when you grow up?”
5 Year Old Wants To Be A Tractor When She Grows Up
I had to share this because one, it was hilarious and two, because my friend, Katie posted this on her site. In summary, her son wants to fly a plane someday and her daughter has taken to hiding under the coffee table like a car…so I thought maybe she wanted to BE a car someday! Since she is only 6 1/2 months old, her future career will probably change numerous times before she settles on something as cool as a car! She'll probably want to be a princess, a doctor or a kitty first!
Yay For Lilies
First, I know I haven't been very good about keeping up on here. By the time I get home, playing on the computer is the last thing I want to do! That, and I don't think you want to hear work stories. Other than work, not much has been going on! There are a couple little things, but we'll save those so I have something to write about tomorrow!
These are my gorgeous Tiger Lilies I have by the front of my house. I love the color of them and they are so big this year compared to last year! It was really fun to watch them grow this year.
These are the pictures I took of them! They just make me smile. I will be sad when they are done flowering for the summer. And who knows…maybe by next summer we'll live somewhere else and I'll have to plant more of them. 🙂
White Purse
Here is a white purse I picked up. (Also from Target.) This one is bigger, but I really like it. I think it's really cute and there is just a tiny bit of decoration on it with the eyelets on the front. The part to put your arm through is a little small, so I can't just whip it on my shoulder without either getting stuck or readjusting slightly to get my arm through! But now that I have wonderful bag, I don't know how I managed without a white bag for so long! 🙂
Silver Purse
I don't have much of anything that is yellow gold (yes I say yellow gold because I have many things that are white gold). So when I came across this purse a couple weeks ago, I was so excited!
Yes, I know this picture isn't great (I took it with my phone), but I couldn't find a picture of it online to save my life! And if my life really did depended on it…maybe I could find it, but I was done searching and just took a picture myself! These larger bags are very “in” right now and I have to say that I like them. I am sure that being as small as I am that large bags aren't all that great for me, but I still love them! Mostly I was just excited to find a silver bag that I liked! 🙂 Oh, and this was purchased at Target just like most everything I buy! What a great store! 🙂
Some Lovely Flowers
Not too long ago I got a great raise at work! I was so excited! So Chuck brought home these lovely flowers for me in celebration!
They have lasted until today and I got them I think the 24th of June! So I am very happy about that! My favorite part about them are the striped flowers! Check these out!
Aren't they cool!? I just love them! The only downfall s they turn the water pink and if it gets on your counter, the dye is slightly like Kool Aid! I know the picture was a little fuzzy, but I kept forgetting to take pictures and when I finally remembered, the lighting wasn't that great in the kitchen! Hopefully I can work really hard and get a raise at the end of the year at my next review and maybe I'll get more of these beauties! 🙂
Purple Pen
This was a pen a made for Katie’s birthday in June. She loves it and uses it as her “purse pen”! I think it turned out so cool. I think my favorite part about making these pens and turning wood is seeing what they look like at the end. It’s like a surprise to see what the wood looks like inside and how it will look with finish on it. I have a couple more things ready to make, I just haven’t gotten around to it. But I will post them when I get them done.
I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!
Water For Elephants
This is the next book we are reading for book club. It's called Water For Elephants. So far it's pretty funny. Well, the writing is funny, not necessarily what happens (I am only 3 chapters in). It's a pretty easy read even for someone slow like me. I'm excited to read more and see what happens.
I am always looking for more books to add to my list of ones to read. So if you have any suggestions or ones you have read recently that you enjoyed, let me know. 🙂