Not too long ago, I was looking at my flowers out front and found this horribly disgusting fellow!

(I do recommend enlarging him to see him better!)
Of course, the first thing I do is go tell Chuck about it, but he was up on a ladder doing something, so I next went to get my camera. After I took a bunch of pictures of him at various angles, I went to my office to find out what he was. Turns out he's in the family of jumping spiders. Had I known this before I was taking pictures, I don't think I would have gotten so close to him just to get a good picture. I never saw him jump, but if you have ever watched jumping spiders move, they sort of jerk when they move. It's hard to explain, but if you have seen it, you will understand
He was a cool looking spider and I like cool bugs when I know I am in no danger. I said I would never stick my hand in a flower again, but I found I was doing it the next day! We also found a similar one of these spiders, but with different coloring, living in part of our mailbox. Spiders are one downfall about living by a lake!
Here are some other links for you to check out if you want to see more of this spider.
My Gallery This is my bug gallery. Scroll all the way down and you will see them. You can also enlarge them quite big and see him more closely.
Wikipedia Result This has some information about these nasty creatures and some other pictures of them. There is more information here about these creatures than I ever wanted to know!