I was looking through my song list and I came across a song my grandpa sang. He is also playing the bass in the song. I just thought it was fitting for the season! Enjoy!
That Christmas Feeling
— my little corner of randomness —
I was looking through my song list and I came across a song my grandpa sang. He is also playing the bass in the song. I just thought it was fitting for the season! Enjoy!
That Christmas Feeling
I while back, I came across some yummy (and healthy) recipes in one of my Fitness magazines. It was healthy comfort foods. We have had a couple of them. I think one of my favorites is the Spicy Chicken Pizza. It's not hard to make and is very yummy. And you don't have to feel guilty after you eat it!
Another one we tried was the Macaroni & Cheese. I was pleasantly surprised. It was quite good. You use a lot of milk and a bit less cheese. But I still remember it was quite good.
The following are the other recipes that were in this article. I have not tried the others, but if you do, please let me know how they turn out.
Thai Turkey Burgers
Texas-Style Quesadillas
Slimmed Skillet Lasagna
I hope I helped you pick a meal for the week! I already have my stuff for pizza! Happy Eating!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We went to see Chuck's grandparents in Omaha and Council Bluffs. We were so excited to see snow when we were there! Sadly, there were a bunch of accidents and the snow made driving harder for those coming down, but since we were already there….we liked the snow a lot! 🙂 Here's one of the pictures I took out of the Hays' window. This was the day before Thanksgiving.
We also got to meet Hannah! She is Chuck's cousin Mikayla's daughter. She was born when we were in Alaska. She is a very sweet little baby. 🙂
Over at the Schminke house, Chuck's cousins from California were having a blast playing in the snow. I think his uncle had a bit of fun, too because they made this Snow Turkey. They were in the holiday spirit! I think it's just hilarious! It looks so very good. 🙂
I think it was last Christmas…Chuck's family pitched in a got a brick with his grandparent's names on it. They are displayed somewhere in Council Bluffs. Chuck's aunt and uncle went over there and took my camera with them. I thought I would share it. It turned out really nicely!
We came back on Friday for a tournament Chuck's team was in this weekend. They are so cute to watch! My mom, Dave and Charlie came with to watch. I don't think Charlie is going to start playing hockey anytime soon. I think he'll stick to basketball, but he had fun watching! They got 6th place in the tournament and played their hearts out!
Now it's going to be time for me to start working on Christmas gifts and getting ready for another trip to Omaha/Council Bluffs for the holiday. We have our tree up and I finished putting the rest of the decorations out today. So that's one thing to check off the list! Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend!
Sunday we had an early Thanksgiving dinner at our house with my dad, step mom, brother and his girlfriend. I have to say….if you have never tried a turkey in a bag you just have to! Jenni-O makes them and they are in the frozen food section. You put them in the oven and forget about it! It's so simple and so very tasty. It is really moist and I am definitely going to do that again. Everything else went really well. Only one minor injury. 🙂 I burnt my hand taking the turkey out. But that was it! I have to say that overall, it was a huge success! Hope you have a great Turkey Day!
I was so very lucky this year to have so many wonderful celebrations for my birthday. I thought I would share the links to the galleries so you can take a look if you are interested.
Chamberlain Celebration Pictures
We went to Chuck's mom and step-dad's house for a wonderful Chicken Parmesan dinner. Paige also made a great pie for us to eat! I got a grill pan, some CuttleBug embossing folders, a Crop-A-Dile, and some gorgeous decorative glass ornaments from Paige. Here's a picture of the Crop-A-Dile. It's such a cool tool! It make setting eyelets a breeze!
Norling Celebration Pictures
At my dad's house, he made my favorite dinner. This was a meal my grandma made me every year. It was my birthday dinner. And my dad is so sweet to continue the tradition. We had barbecue ribs, twice baked potatoes, some side, and Chuck's favorite…Caramel Apple Pie (since it is his Anniversary, too!) Then I got some Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee Cookbooks. I just love her stuff! And a hot chocolate maker, a key ring and Chuck got a saw! It was a great time!
Terwilliger Celebration Pictures
For dinner with my mom, step-dad, brothers and Katie (brother's girlfriend), we went to a Chinese food place in Bloomington called David Fong's. It's so yummy! Since Chuck and I liked it so much when we went there for my mom's birthday in September, I knew it would be a hit to go again for the Annibirthary! I had to have some General Tso Chicken! I got a bunch of great gifts! A CuttleBug, some embossing folders for it, a down vest and puzzle and a couple other small things. I have included a picture of the Cuttlebug below. This is the best tool! It adds so much to cards! I am sure some of you will be getting cards that I have used this tool on!
Annibirthary Party Pictures
We also threw an Annibirthary party at our place and had a bunch of friends over. I have to say, if you look at these pictures, do not be alarmed! My pregnant friend, Katie (not my brother's girlfriend) is *NOT* drinking! I don't want you to think she is. She was holding the beer for her hubby and, after having a little bit to drink, I thought it would be a funny picture. So please keep that in mind! 🙂 We had a wonderful time with all of our friends, family, neighbors… It's so fun to get everyone together and we haven't done this since we moved in to this house over two years ago. I'll try not to wait two years to do this again!
Well, as you can see, we have been busy! I am not complaining at all! I love it. And to think, next week we get to see his Grandparents and have Thanksgiving! Sunday my dad, step-mom, brother and his girlfriend will be over for Thanksgiving dinner here! I am really looking forward to it! …Then, be fore we know it….it will be Christmas! Ahh! 🙂
On November 9th we got our first bit of snow. I was so excited! It didn't stay long, but it was fun to see it on the ground and the car and the grill! 🙂
Yay! It's my birthday! I love birthdays! What could make them better? Why celebrating being married to the best guy ever on the same day! He gave me some lovely flowers for our anniversary and my birthday. (I would post a picture, but something seems to be a little off and they aren't working well….)
And a big thank you to everyone who has sent me birthday wishes! It was so kind and thoughtful of you! I hope everyone has a good day! I am off to have dinner at my dad's tonight! He's making me BBQ Ribs, twice baked potatoes, caramel apple pie…all the things my grandma used to do yearly on my birthday! It's so sweet! Tomorrow is lunch with Chuck's dad. Friday is dinner with my mom. Saturday is our annibirthary party with our friends. And Sunday is dinner at Chuck's mom's! I love it! A week of celebrating. And when that's over…we do it all again at Thanksgiving and Christmas! What a great time of year!
This video is really funny. If you have or had a cat, you will appreciate it much more. I hope you get a good laugh…I sure did! Enjoy!