This was pretty good. Not too many ingredients, didn't take long to prepare and wasn't hard to make. I think the next time I make it I won't put quite as many noodles in it so there is a bit more sauce. There was a ton of food in this meal. I decided to make it because I had an extra loaf of bread for Gooey Garlic Mozzarella bread. Adam and Chuck both liked it. I haven't made something new in a while, so I was glad to make something new. Let me know if you are interested in the recipe.
Author: Andi
Key Lime Pie
We were at Chuck and Jean's new house for dinner a few weeks ago and Jean had made some Key Lime Pie. It was so good. I got the recipe from her and made it last night to bring to my cousin. It was so easy to make (only a few ingredients) and it tasted SO limey! (I had to have a little spoonful!) Now that I know how simple it is to make and how good it is, I will have to make it more often to bring to people or to events. If you like Key Lime Pie, you will LOVE this one. Let me know if you want the recipe.
Window Coverings
Chuck and I got new curtains in the kitchen and living room as well as some blinds in the dining room and his office. It looks so much better and makes such a difference. I had been putting it off since we moved in. I picked out some sheer curtains for the kitchen and living room and white plantation blinds for the dining room and Chuck's office. I really like the plantation blinds. I want some more on the couple windows we have left in the house. We can get those gradually. We really needed the ones in the dining room because our house faces West and a lot of sun comes in during the day and early evening. It will help keep our house cooler, too. We also picked up a new screen/glass door for the fromt of the house to protect the door during storms since it faces West. The house looks much more home-like now and I am glad we….mostly me….got around to picking something out.
Charlie and Dylan Willette
I went to see my cousin Paul today and brought he and his wife some food (A pan of Lasagna, Gooey Garlic Mozzarella bread and Key Lime Pie). These little cuties are their new twin boys…Charlie and Dylan. They are so sweet. When I got there, they had just taken a bath and were getting ready for a nap. Charlie was already half asleep, but Dylan was wide awake, so I rocked him to sleep. What a snuggly little guy. And Paul and Erika's daughter, Lexi, was a good helper. She wanted to pat the babies and play with them. She's a good big sister. She's about 2. I can't believe they have 3 little kids under the age of 2. I see now why they were so excited to have some food brought over. Erika told me Paul has been talking about my lasagna for 4 days. 🙂 He's such a dork. There are a couple more pictures of the boys HERE if you are interested.
Trading Central
A few weeks ago we started going to a trading office to trade. There are about 10 of us from our trading chat room that have gone in there. It's been a really good experience. It's nice to have so many people around doing the same thing.
Chuck and his dad have set up a computer with 12 monitors hooked up to it for our charts. It's the coolest thing I have ever seen. Then we put 4 people on each side of the desk and use the charts. We bring in a laptop or a pc to make our trades on. We just recently got a projector to put charts and things on the wall so everyone can see it. It's turning out great. The office building just took out a couple walls so we have a large open area now. This way more people can come in and trade with us. The part that is really going to stink is when his dad leaves for his boat for the summer. It helps a lot having him around. He's very helpful and a great teacher. I think the whole office will miss having him around.
HERE are a few pictures of the trading office. I will be taking more on Monday with the walls taken out and the projector up. But you can tell it's trading central from these pictures.
New Babies in the Family
Two of my cousins just had new babies…well, their wives did. A new girl, Mara and twin boys, Charlie and Dylan. I haven't seen any of them yet. I am going to see the twins this weekend. I am so excited that there are twins in the family. We haven't had that before. And I am really excited they are boys. When I was growing up, I thought I had too many guy cousins because there were no female cousins near my age. Now my cousins are all having girls. And it's a good thing there are a couple boys now to balance things out a little more. And since they are twins, they will be able to pick on the girls twice as badly. 🙂 If it were just one…all the girls would gang up on them. I know that because I was the only girl cousin growing up. 🙂 I am bringing some food over to my cousin and the crew over there. Mostly because I know my cousin can't cook….but also because I really like cooking. 🙂 I'll try to take some pictures and put them on here when I get back.
Mac & Cheese
I made a macaroni casserole last weekend. It was pretty good. I think the next time I make it I will add a bit more pasta. It was very cheesy. It did take a while to make because you had to make a roux. It was good, though. It had a good flavor to it. Different than any other mac & cheese I have had. Adam and Chuck liked it, but agreed that it was a little thick with all the sauce. Let me know if you are interested in the recipe.
New Headboard
Chuck and I got a new headboard the other day. Here are a couple pictures of it.

It's very simple. It's ultra suede and padded. Just something to protect the wall I painted and it's comfortable to lean on. We were going to get a whole bed and headboard, but we have a platform bed right now and it was going to be really expensive. We would have to buy some other pieces from Select Comfort and then the headboard. So this is a temporary solution we will work with. We might make a different paltform for it at some time. But I really like it. 🙂
Game Cube
Chuck and I got a Game Cube this past weekend and I have been playing it like crazy. He found out that the Game Cube was a good system for people with very good video game skills and those who are inept to play together and make it enjoyable for both. We got Mario Kart and Super Monkey Ball 2 and have had a good time so far. The Game Cube we got also came with a free Zelda game. I have been playing that (since it's a one person game) and I had a great time on the first section just running around. I have learned in the second level that I am just not ery good at video games at all. I can't jump real well or use more than one button at a time without getting flustered. I just wasn't blessed with any video game skills…or at least very little hand-eye coordination. Oh well. I still have fun with it. Maybe by practicing more and playing the games we have I will get better and be a better opponent to Chuck. I also want to get the Worms 3D game. If you like computer games (which this is mostly for) you should check them out. The Worms games are hilarious. 🙂 Now maybe I will practice a little bit and improve my skill level.
Chicken & Ziti
This was a really yummy recipe and very simple to make. There are only 5 ingredients. It didn't take long to cook at all. It reminded me of a chicken parmesan I have made but with the chicken cut up and different noodles. It was a hit with Chuck and my brother. Let me know if you want the recipe to try. 🙂