Today, Dannie is 15 months old. And on Sunday, Maddie turns 3!!! Time is flying by. These girls are changing so quickly every day. I can hardly believe it. Maddie is a talking machine! Dannie is surprising me each day with all the things she knows.
Side note: with your first kid, you spend a bunch of time teaching them sounds, shapes, colors, everything. With your second, you just don’t have the time. Sure, I read to Dannie, but not as much as Maddie got read to. I teach her sounds, shapes, etc., it isn’t to the extent that I was able to with Maddie. It’s just different. So when Dannie surprises me with something that she knows, I am elated because (1) I know that she is learning something from me and (2) – which is more likely – she is learning from Maddie.
These girls truly love each other. They are so cute and so sweet to each other (most of the time). Maddie loves to help her sister. Maddie likes to help feed her sister and loves holding her hand to help her places. They chase each other around the house squealing and giggling. Dannie is happy as long as her sister is around.

Maddie loves to make lists on a little tablet of paper I got her. She carries her pencil around and needs to make lists of everything. Sometime they are lists for the store and sometimes they are pictures. She really gets into her lists.

Dannie has started to sit at the kid picnic table a lot. She thinks it’s great fun to sit there with snacks or toys. She sometimes falls right off, but it hasn’t made her stop going back to it.

Maddie has been a HUGE singer lately. She sings songs from tv shows, movies, lullabies, and lots of songs she has made up herself.

Maddie is also very into art work right now. She asks to color or paint or use stickers or glue all the time. She also LOVES painting her face. It has extended to her fingers as well.

Dannie has loved eating from day one. That hasn’t changed. She is currently obsessed with silverware. She is getting good with a spoon and she’s trying really hard to figure out a fork. Once in a while, she will poke something and she gets so giddy when she does!

Speaking of eating. The girls love popcorn. I think it’s in our blood. My mom and her entire family love popcorn and I love it, too. They are just so cute sitting together eating popcorn and I just love that they want to sit by each other. Maddie helps get Dannie more and even shares with her. Which is a big deal when it comes to Maddie and her popcorn.

And here’s a sweet picture of Maddie. She has changed so much in the past year. I am so excited for her birthday and also a little sad that she is getting so big. She has turned into quite a little snuggle bug and I am so impressed by her ability to learn, be independent and rationalize. She wants an explanation for everything and usually, after pondering, will accept what we tell her. She’s also witty and funny, just like her dad. She is just an amazing little girl and we are so lucky!

And then this sweet girl. I can’t believe she is 15 months old already. She has grown and developed quite the personality. She holds her own and stands up for herself. She’s a daredevil and a mommy’s girl. She is so kissable and gives the sweetest kisses in return. She loves her blanket, goes right to sleep, loves songs and peekaboo, and can light up a room with her smile.