Maddie has started to communicate with us a lot more. She knows a few animal noises, says a few words and even signs a couple words. I got a few videos of her doing some things on command! The only things I forgot were asking her to give me a hug and a kiss. Which is so stinking cute!
Here is Maddie making animal noises….a cow, a pig and a monkey. (We are currently working on sheep and Chuck is teaching Maddie to say “hi” when you ask her “what does a Maddie say?”
And here is Maddie signing “all done” and “more” in her own little way. She’s trying to say “banana” but it comes out more like “balalalalalala!” And she says “up” when she wants to be picked up. She just started that one the other day. She says “up” a few times at the end of this video.
And she has started to sit down when I tell her to say “please.” I am not sure where she picked that up or why she started to sit down. But it’s very sweet. And there’s another “up” thrown in there, too! And after watching this video more closely, it looks like I am going to push her down by her head. Weird. Not sure why I was doing that. I wasn’t actually going to push her down!