How did my baby get to be 5 months old already? Where does the time go? I think I this same thing every month. I am sure, as a parent, you never really stop feeling this way and wondering how your kids grew up so fast!
Maddie is a rolling machine. Last month I said she was rolling over. Now she rolls across the room and back. She doesn’t want to sit on her own. I think it’s because she would rather be moving and playing with toys than sitting. She really likes to roll right to the laptop cords.
Maddie has gotten really good at reaching for toys and will try SO hard to reach something she can’t quite get. It’s so fun to watch her try to figure it out and learn!
She can’t sit in her Bumbo (blue chair) any more because I had her on the floor in it and she rolled herself right out! Little stinker! She is VERY determined! I have no idea where she gets that! 
A friend gave us a jumper thing they weren’t using. The way this one works is the part she stands on bounces. Maddie likes it because she just wants to stand up. So she just stands there and plays. She loves it.
She is starting to get her feet under her. While I write this, her butt is in the air and she is kind of on her tip toes. She’ll be crawling before I know it!
She rolls all over her crib. It’s a surprise where I am going to find her in the morning. I love that she can make her way all around the crib, though. It makes her like her bed more.
Speaking of bed, Maddie has been putting herself to sleep. Up until a few weeks ago, I could nurse her to sleep if I needed to help Chuck with something and needed her asleep fast. Not anymore. She doesn’t want to snuggle to sleep, doesn’t want to nurse to sleep, so she’s left with putting herself to sleep. She usually cries for a minute then falls asleep. Nap time is the same way. Some days, she will take longer at nap time to sleep, but bedtime goes pretty smoothly. My mom was even able to put her to sleep when Chuck and I went out for dinner. So I am very happy about that!
Now we need to work on her eating out of a bottle. She just bites it or licks it. I imagine she would eat from it if she were really hungry. Eventually she will have to learn! I’m not nursing her forever.
We haven’t started solid food yet. We are waiting a couple more weeks until she is closer to 6 months. But I am going on a girls weekend trip in August, so she better learn to like bottles and some food (so there aren’t all bottles for feeding) before I go!
At least the sleep thing should go all right!
Maddie is still a super happy baby and really goes with the flow. She loves everyone! Well, everyone except Scary Grandpa Dave, my step-dad. When she sees Dave she wails. He is the only person she has ever done that to. She is so suspicious of him. So we’re going to need to see Dave more often so she doesn’t think he is so scary! 
I love her little personality and how her face lights up when she sees us. When we leave a room she follows us with her whole body to see where we went. I couldn’t have gotten luckier with a better baby! I love her more every day!
Now for some pictures. I couldn’t get her to be happy without the spoon in her bed. So the spoon stayed. 

Here are the 5 month pictures I took.
4 month pictures & 4 month post
3 month pictures & 3 month post
2 month pictures & 2 month post
1 month pictures & 1 month post