Our little Maddie is 2 months old! Maddie has been finding her hands a lot more and really likes to suck on her fists. Every once in a while, she manages to get her thumb and sucks on it for a couple minutes. It’s really cute. She will also grab your hand and has quite the grip!
Maddie is generally a happy baby. People who meet her can’t believe how happy she is. She had a little too much excitement this weekend and she got overly tired and a little cranky. But after getting lots of sleep, she’s back to her happy self.
We are starting to work on getting a schedule started for Maddie. We have been reading books and it’s best to start good sleep habits early. So I have been making sure that Maddie takes naps in her room so she knows that when she is in there it is time to sleep. She won’t just lay down and try to go to sleep on her own until she’s a couple months older, but everything we have read says to start early. So while I write this, Maddie is napping in her room.
Maddie is a great eater and the most obvious change in her this month is her chubby cheeks! People definitely notice them and you’ll see how chubby they are in her pictures. But to even out all the chunk she has, she’s also stronger and more wiggly every day!
Maddie has also started smiling a lot more. She likes a few noises and I like to laugh at her and she smiles. She also has this new fake cough. I don’t know if it’s her way of laughing or if she’s just being goofy. But it’s hilarious and I love her!
So here are the 2 months pictures I took:

Here is a link to the other 2 month pictures I took.
And here is a link to her 1 month pictures.