Author: Andi
Where Does The Time Go?
Today marks 6 weeks since we welcomed our sweet little baby to our family. I can’t believe she is 6 weeks old already. And I can’t believe its been 6 weeks since all the craziness from my delivery happened.
I had my postpartum doctor’s appointment today. It went great. My doctor was so happy I am doing so well after everything that happened. She said she really didn’t expect me to be doing so well or to have the outcome I did after seeing me in the operating room. So I am happy she was so happy!
My blood pressure has been really good this past week. They wanted me off the bp meds a week before I went back to see how my body reacted. And I am happy to report that I don’t have to take any of my blood pressure meds or any of the other drugs I was on anymore. Thank heavens. I’m also about back to my pre-baby weight. Not my pre-baby body yet, but I’ll get there! š
And everyone loved seeing Maddie, even though she slept through the whole appointment (and a trip to a store after). I got lots of compliments on her. She was also happily sporting her fuzzy Microsoft hat. I think this was the same hat she came home in and it fits her WAY better now! My little girl is getting so big! š
Yesterday Maddie and I took a walk outside. I had some things to deliver to a couple neighbors. It was SO nice to get out of the house. And tonight we’re going to take a walk when Chuck gets home. I know we’re still getting some wintery weather coming our way, but for now, I’m enjoying getting outside for some fresh air!
I have taken a number of pictures of Maddie and a couple videos recently. I just need to get them uploaded and then I’ll do a post with some pictures and maybe a video of Miss Maddie…I promise! š
Grandma’s Furniture
When my grandma died a number of years ago, I took her dining room set. In our last house, the furniture fit great! Everything had a nice spot. But in this house, I could never get it to look right. So my brother took the set! I’m glad it’s still in the family. He sent me a couple pictures from his phone yesterday.
It looks better in his house than it ever did in our current house. I’m excited to see the table in his house!
Now I’m on the hunt for something that fits our space better!
My fabulous hubby surprised me with a fabulous gift! He got me an iPad!
He said it was sad to see me struggle with my laptop while I sit on the couch all day nursing. I was so surprised! Especially since I didn’t think we’d ever get Apple products again with Chuck working for Microsoft. But Microsoft doesn’t make a comparable product yet. So he got me this beauty! He didn’t get the pink cover (mine is grey) which is good so Chuck can use it, too!
So here I sit…on the couch…feeding Maddie and blogging on my iPad! We’ll see how this turns out!
One Sleepy Baby
I just had to mention how excited I am that Maddie slept through the night last night! I know this may be a fluke, but any parent of a new baby knows how exciting it is to get many hours of sleep in a row at night.
The past few nights (or maybe a week) I have been putting Maddie to bed around 10 or so and waking her up when I wake up at about 5 to eat. She doesn’t eat long and then goes back to sleep for a few more hours. It’s been nice. Yesterday, I took a shower and did a few things around the house before I woke her up.
Last night, Maddie went to bed about 10 and I woke her up at 7. And yes, I woke her up. She didn’t wake on her ownā¦although, I think she was pretty close to waking up.
What do I think caused this wonderful thing to happen? Two wordsā¦.Sleep Sack. Well, and luck, of course! But if I get her good and tight in her sleep sack, she sleeps really well. If she isn’t tight in it, she will sleep for 3-4 hours or until she wiggles her arms out. An when she wiggles her arms out, she startles herself and looks like this!
My friend told me about another thing her son used until he was about 7 months oldā¦a Woombie. I am definitely investing in one (or 12) of these!
On another note, I stopped my blood pressure meds on Wednesday (at the advice of my doctor, of course). They wanted me to go off them for a week before my 6 week appointment with them to see if I could do without. I have had a couple higher blood pressures, but overall, they have been pretty good. I’m hopeful that I’ll be done with the meds all together. We’ll see what they think. But I’m still happy that I am recovering well. After all the crap that happened, thank heavens I am a good healer!
I’m off to clean a little while Miss Maddie napsā¦.again!
5 Weeks
I can’t believe Maddie is 5 weeks old today! Time really does fly. I also can’t believe how quickly the days go. It’s already 2:00! How did that happen?
I really thought that I would do a lot more blogging when I was home with the baby and I have definitely done WAY less. I think because the days just fly by.
Chuck went back to work this week. He was home for 4 weeks and it was wonderful to have him home so long. Now we’re all adjusting to Chuck being gone all day.
I’m hoping to get into a groove soon and write more. And hopefully I’ll get back to posting things other than stuff about Maddie.
I did make a new gallery with all the pictures I have taken on my phone. None of them are great, but at least they are all in one place.
One Month Old
Our baby is one month old already! I can hardly believe it. It’s been the best month ever. I can’t imagine my life without her! We learn more about what makes her happy every day!
The other day we gave her a bottle for the first time. She did just fine. We waited until Maddie was almost a month to make sure she would still nurse just fine. And it hasn’t been a problem. We also gave her a pacifier yesterday. She has a hard time keeping it in her mouth, but when she figures it out, she seems to like it. Plus, this means we don’t have to stick our fingers in her mouth to occupy her!
I also took the Baby Bjorn for a spin around the house. I’m starting to get the hang of putting her in it by myself. It’s nice to be able to do a few things around the house with her just hanging out. I can’t wear it too long because it starts to hurt my stomach a bit, but I know I am going to love this. (Thank you to my wonderful cousin for passing it along to me!) Today, she fell asleep in it when I was cleaning up the kitchen. (Her hair looks really light in this picture.)
I’m going to take a picture of Maddie each month in her crib to see how much she changes. Plus I can’t get enough of the pattern of her crib sheet! Here is our sweet Maddie at one month old!
And here’s Chuck holding her. She was so cute and content.
Oh, yesterday Chuck’s sister watched Maddie for a couple hours so Chuck and I could go out to eat together. It was the first time we left her with someone else. I only cried a little when we left, but was able to stay away a couple hours! Thanks Paige! And HERE are a few more pictures of her at one month old!
Pretty Baby
I know I am biased, but man, my brother took some gorgeous pictures of our beautiful baby! Here are the few he has given me so far and he’ll get the rest to me soon. When he does, I will post the rest of them.
Oh, I just want to snuggle her all day. Oh waitā¦I already do that! I am so thankful that my brother likes to come and take pictures of her!
We have had so many visitors come to see Maddie. Both in the hospital and at home. Here are some of the pictures of people that came to see us.
At the hospital, we had friends and family come to see us. We had lots of visitors because I was there so long!
Chuck’s momā¦.who also stayed with us for many hours at the hospital to keep Chuck company while I slept and stayed at our house for a couple days when we went home. She’s a very proud new grandma!
Chuck’s sister came many times. She works at the hospital I was in a couple days a week and would swing in when she could and check on us.
And her husband came a few times, too!
My mom, step dad, and youngest brother stopped by. My mom is also a VERY happy new grandma and my brother (who is 13) is so excited to be an uncle!
My other brother (who took my maternity pictures and is taking pics of Maddie soon) and his girlfriend stopped by, too, but I guess I don’t have any pictures of them with Maddie.
My dad and step mom came to visit. My dad had been fighting a bad cold, so he wanted to wear a mask so he didn’t make her sick.
One of my very best friends, Brooke, and her husband, Mark, came to see us. She was so worried about me when I was there. They have an adorable 6 month old little girl and we know our girls will be great friends!
Our friends Ben and Trisha came to see us and brought their adorable little girl, Chelsea. Chelsea is 3 weeks older than Maddie. And they are definitely going to be good friends, too! In the first picture, Trisha is holding Maddie and Chuck is holding Chelsea.
And a picture of Maddie and Chelsea!
Here’s our friend Stephanie. Her and her husband also came to visit us once we got home.
And I didn’t get pictures of my friend Kellyn when she came to see us. I am sure there were others, but I can’t rememberā¦it seems like forever ago!
And at home, we have had lots of friends and family come see us. I didn’t get any pictures of those visitors. I did get one of the proud grandmas, though!
And a big thank you to ALL the visitors for showing us how much Ms. Madeline is loved. And thank you for the food! It is so nice to not have to think about what to make/eat for dinner!
OHHā¦I almost forgot. HERE is the gallery for Maddie. We’ll add more pictures there as we take them/remember to upload them.
That’s about all I have for now. It’s taken me FOREVER to have the motivation to write on here, but I hope to get better. I’m still adjusting to this whole baby thing. But life is great and we’re getting in a grooveā¦as much as you can with a newborn. We’re learning more about Madeline every day and it’s been the happiest 3 weeks! (Yes, my baby is 3 weeks old already!)
I am on lots of meds these days after I had Maddie. The biggest one is for my blood pressure. They hope to wean me off that at my 6 week appointment at the end of March. I am hopeful the BP meds are just temporary. Here are pictures of the pills I takeā¦.morning, afternoon and evening.
I must say, it sure looks like a lot. But there’s lots of ibuprofen in there and vitamins/supplements, too.
And I am very proudā¦I haven’t taken my real pain killers (oxycodone) since Thursday!
Also, I’m feeling way better, too. Today, Tuesday, I’ll be able to spend some time on the first floor instead of being upstairs all day. I am super excited! But I’m expecting it to thoroughly wear me out!