Last weekend we painted a couple rooms in our house. One, of course, was the baby's room. I'll get to that one in a second.
First, we painted the downstairs study. This is going to be an office on the first floor of the house. I think we are both excited to have an office down there.
This is what it looked like before…with all the stuff cleaned out of the room:

The color of the room is the same color the whole house is. We didn't want to paint any of the rooms in the house until we have been here over a year because they would come and do touch-up painting. But now that we are past that, it's time to PAINT!
So this is what it looks like painted:

This color is called “Mother Nature” from Behr. We actually painted the dining room this color at our last house.
We have started moving things down to this room. Chuck brought the desk down there and now we just have to get things organized. I'll be sure to post a picture (or a few pictures) when it's all done.
Ok. So, on to the baby's room. My mom and Chuck's mom came over to help paint these rooms. I snapped a couple pictures of them in action! 🙂

I took a break at one point to do some stretches:

And this is what it looks like finished:

The greens are different in person. Since the green in the study is the same green we did at our last house in the dining room, I already knew I liked it. And the baby's room is a green that is very close to the green in the bedding we want to get for her room. It also reminds me of mint ice cream and I wanted to lick the walls while we were painting! 🙂 It's called “Fresh Guacamole” from Glidden that we color matched in Behr paint.
I want to add pink curtains to the baby's room and other pink things. I thought it would be too hard to do that if the walls were pink, too! 🙂
There will be more pictures to come. I already plan to paint another room next weekend! And of course, there will be more pictures as we get the baby's room more put together! Until then!