This is our flowering crap apple tree we planted last year. I was so excited to see all the flowers on it this year. When we were at our old house, we planted a flowering crabapple in the front yard and it took it until the week we moved out to flower.
You can see pictures here.
So I was pleasantly surprised when this one flowers. Granted, this one was bigger and more matured than the last one was. I still worried I wouldn't get flowers.
It was this gorgeous for a little over a week. Then they all blew away. Bummer. But that's ok. This tree was the first to flower of our plants. And I love those first flowers that tell you Spring is here.
This was the tree I talked about yesterday that we moved. We decided it was just too close to the house. It's in a much better place now.
Now I am checking on all my other plants everyday looking for blooms. (And some have!) It's about as exciting as it sounds…kind of like watching paint dry. But when I do see a flower, I am giddy the rest of the day! So it's worth it in my mind!
We also put screen doors on the front and back doors this Spring. It's so nice to open the door and see out the front and let some fresh air in.
We did a little more planting over the weekend, so I'll get some pictures taken of those plants (when it isn't raining) and share!