I borrowed this book from a friend. Funny side story about this. I gave the book back to my friend, who then promptly sent me an email asking if I might have borrowed this book from someone else because she's never read it. HA! Whoops. Thankfully, I knew who else I had borrowed books from and this other friend did confirm that it was hers. No harm done.
Ok. So that had nothing to do with the book and really no particular relevance. I just wanted the world to know! 🙂
The book was really cute. Similar to the other Sophie Kinsella books I have read. The main character always gets herself into a big jam and you get to laugh at the foibles that happen along the way and wonder how she's ever going to get herself out of this one.
Even I read this book pretty quickly. It was a cute story and I always enjoy reading these silly, mindless stories. If you have read other Sophie Kinsella books and liked them, I would definitely check this one out.
Anyone ever read “Remember Me?” by Sophie Kinsella? I haven't read it, but would like to. If you let me borrow it from you, I promise I'll remember it was yours and not try to give it away to other friends. This was a one-time incident! 🙂