I sent in my first Caclulus assignment a little while back and received it graded in the mail shortly after. I have had it hanging on my fridge since I got it back. Here's proof. (It's the blue paper on the right door.)

I had to hang it up on the fridge because I got 95/100! (And a “Great Work!”)

I was pretty proud of myself. I was also a little mad because I made a stupid mistake and should have had 99/100 at least. But I can deal with 95! I am turning in my next assignment today. I really have to stop spending so much time on each assignment or I'll never finish! But the picture below explains how my brain and math work.

Haha! It's so true. I spent so much time in college making justifications for my work and I can't do that with math. It's a different train of thought and I am having a battle with my brian getting it to think logically instead of crazily! 🙂
And I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but I seem to understand the Calculus concepts (well, more or less), but I struggle with basic Algebra. Strange. So I am relearning both Calculus and Algebra. What a pain! But it will all be worth it in the end.
Also, it's not very comforting when people ask what I am working on and I tell them “Calculus” and their faces twist and they get this look on their face like they have just eaten something very foul. So after having people do it to me, I am really trying not to do it to other people. Because I know I do. So if I do get that disgusted look on my face for something you like or are doing that I don't find thrilling, just remind me of Calculus. I will immediately apologize. 🙂