Category: Randomness
This is how I spent my evening!
I worked on my calculus, had a drink, watched the gorgeous clouds, all while sitting on my lovely porch! How wonderful!
We went to Houlihan's last week for dinner and they had the most hilarious thing in their menus. Horriblescopes! I was looking at their website today and saw that they have them on there as well. I definitely recommend swinging by and checking it out. The link to get there is HERE. When you get there, click on the crystal ball and you'll see all the different horriblescopes. Read all of them….you won't be sorry! You might even find something to send a friend! I think it would be hilarious to put these in a card for someone. Of course it would have to be someone with a good sense of humor! 🙂
A foggy morning
The other morning when I woke up there was a gorgeous sunrise accompanied by lots of fog. I had to take a couple pictures because I thought it looked so pretty!
It's baseball season!
My youngest brother, Charlie, plays many sports. This time of the year it's baseball. He also plays basketball and tried football this year. It's so fun to watch him play. These are a couple pictures from his game the other night. I didn't have my camera with me since we decided to go to the game on short notice. So you'll have to suffer with iPhone pictures! 🙂
At this age, they rotate positions. I was so excited to see my brother pitch! It's pretty good! I didn't get any good action shots, but here he is on the mound!
Charlie has also been working on his batting. I hear he has a pretty good average and makes a good hit every game! I am so proud!
And finally, after the game I even got him to smile for a picture! He's getting so big! Literally! He's almost as tall as me (just short by about an inch), even though I know that isn't saying a whole lot! 🙂
I have found a new favorite font! I love it and want everything to be written in this font! It reminds me of the way I write. I would love to get my blog posts to write with it. I may be the only one that will be able to see it, but I'll be happy. I should work on that soon! 🙂 Here's what it looks like.
Ever have one of THOSE days?
Nothing in particular has gone wrong or been bad today, but it hasn't been good either. Do you have those days where things bother you more than normal and the littlest things set you off? For me, today is one of those days. I don't feel cranky, but when I get asked how to do something and my answer is never good enough (even when it's right) and then a handful of people are then questioned for same said answer I gave (but somehow theirs is better) makes me cranky and gets under my skin. I am sure I am just tired (because I sure feel like I am) and if this headache would just go away, the same thing may not have triggered anything in me. But today it did.
Phew…now that I have that off my chest. I am better! Big deep breath and a smile! Life is good! AND it's gorgeous outside! 🙂
My apologies
I have been busy lately with my Calculus class. It appears I am a bit out of practice in the area of math! So I am spending every waking moment on it. Thankfully I live with the best tutor! 🙂 So I'll get around to making a longer entry soon. I have to do an update on the progress they are making on the house next door, too!
New categories
I realized I was writing a lot of things on here about various products I have received/bought and wanted a better way to search for them. So I made a new Products category on the right side of my site. It's under Books and Food. I also added slightly better descriptions to them. This way there's a better understanding of what you will find there.
I went back to some previous posts and added them to the product category, too. I didn't go ALL the way back, but I will try to get more of the older posts categorized in time.
I may at some point make my categories more defined. I realized as I was going through some of the older posts for the “products” category that a lot of them are clothes or accessories. So they may need their own category at some point, but for now I am going to give this a try. I may also add a crafts category since I have posted some of my crafts on here, but that seems a bit counter productive with Crafts On A Whim. But we'll see where the future takes me! 🙂