I saw these on the Star Tribune the other day and I thought they were so cute. They were doing a contest…maybe they still are…to have people vote on their favorite. I think they should just make them all available on a sheet for us! I want them all!
Category: Randomness
Midnight Pomegranate
If you haven't smelled this scent at Bath & Body Works, I highly recommend that you do! I love it! I got a small lotion for my purse. I will be sure I don't get sick of it before I buy them all…lotion, body cream, body wash, body spray, soap…all of it!
So if you ever want to get me a little gift for no reason….this would be a good thing I am guaranteed to LOVE! 🙂
So…what's new with you?
I was hoping to have something interesting to write about, but I can't seem to come up with anything. I could show you more pictures of my cat, but I am sure people are sick of those. I would post pictures of the jewelry I have made, but if you are interested in that, you would already be visiting my CraftsOnAWhim.com site. (Which I have been adding things to periodically.)
The basics…in a nutshell:
Family is good.
Work…is work. I am just happy to be getting a paycheck these days.
I am looking into taking a math class this summer so I can take a computer science class at the U of M in the Fall. I am scared out of my mind, but I trying to get past that. Mostly because I am scared of everything these days. Scared to fail…so I don't do anything. But I am bored at my job an need something to challenge me. Computer science will do that. And partly because it's been a long time since I was in school. Although, I have a much different perspective on the matter than I did when I was a Freshman in 1999. 🙂 I actually know what I want to do this time and these are steps I have to take to get there. Plus, I live with a marvelous teacher for computer science! 🙂 He might be able to help me a bit! 🙂 There are more benefits than downfalls with going back to school. At least for me. So I am going to take the plunge and see what happens!
Our house is still for sale (I can send you a link to it if you want to see pictures)…contrary to what most people seem to believe. We have only had a couple showings, but hopefully the weather will get nicer soon and more people will be excited to look for a new home! And after someone wants ours, we can look for one for us!
I haven't felt incredibly social. Or maybe I just haven't had the energy for them. I have skipped out on a couple parties lately. I just don't have the energy and everyone makes their parties start so late. I want to be in bed about the time I get there…or at least getting ready for bed. I tend to like small gatherings with a few friends much more than I like the large ones. But I think I have always been that way.
We're going to start going to the gym more and try to be more active. Chuck is very active, but I tend to lean toward the lazy side. I also want to start eating better and less. I eat a lot of junk and I am TOO close to 30 to keep that up and expect to live a very long life!
We're also going to cancel our cable. I watch WAY too much tv. I always have. I don't want to do that. I am going to be busy with school and I want to read more. I don't do that enough. I think my brain is turning to mush. I don't want my conversations to center around tv shows/characters. There are so many other intelligent things in life to talk about. I also don't want my kids to watch as much tv as I did when I was growing up. I want them to read, be active and hold conversations. Tv is fine here and there, but it's not something I want to be as central as it has been in my life.
So that's about it. I guess I had a little more to say than I thought. 🙂
I haven't done a very good job getting to making a dent in my goals for life. Until recently, I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I took some career assessments a while back, but wasn't very honest with myself. I retook them recently and was honest as could be. I came out with a much different list of jobs and am going to pursue it!
So, I am finally going to get around to doing something with myself. I am looking into a new degree and a new career and I can't wait to see where it takes me. Wish me luck as I jump into this new adventure!
It's about time!
Neck Kitty
The other day I was sitting in Chuck's office with him and Sadie crawled right up my back. This is where she went to sleep. I couldn't let her stay there too long because I was getting a cramp in my neck. She's such a silly kitty! 🙂
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Te American Cancer Society has been selling daffodils in the sky way this past week. One of the attorneys I work for bought some for me and the other assistant that works for him. When he gave them to us, they were completely closed. This was the day after I put them in water!
Only about half of my flowers have bloomed. So I can't wait to see them on Monday when I get in to work. They will probably all be open and so pretty! It's nice to have something spring-like to look at on my desk.
Also note that I put them in a water bottle. I thought it was amusing. It happened to be what I had at my desk at the time and I thought it would be easier to bring home….which I didn't end up doing. 🙂
Treat Day
Every Friday, we have Treat Day at work. We rotate bringing in treats for everyone. It can be anything. Today, we were giving a green spread in honor of St. Patty's Day. I don't usually take pictures on treat day, but this was so funny. It is not usually this extravagant! 🙂 Have a great Friday!
Also…take note of the new signature below! It actually looks like the way I sign my name on cards and how I would imagine I would sign this if it were in a journal. 🙂
Rubber Band Gun
One of the attorneys at my office has been dying to have us try out his rubber band gun. We have had talks about how myself, another assistant and one of the attorneys shoot rubber bands at the other's desk (to confuse the other, of course). When this attorney heard about this, he brought the gun in for us. He also gave us (the other assistant and me) a camera and told us to take a video and pictures when we ambush the attorney. We have not yet done it, but I know hilarity will ensue. I will be sure to share pictures if I remember to grab the camera. 🙂
This is a picture of the rubber band gun. Note that the attorney was kind enough to load it up with as many rubber bands as he possibly could for us! 🙂
Some days I really do like my job. 🙂
Sadie & A Suitcase
After our ski trip, I had some luggage sitting around. Sadie didn't waste any time making herself comfortable on it. I am sure she liked this one because it's Chuck's and it smelled like him. She wants nothing to do with my suitcase! 🙂