This is what happens to me when I read in bed. I was sitting upright at one point and apparently toppled over. Chuck came home from hockey to find me like this and kindly took pictures for me! 🙂
Category: Randomness
Happy Birthday Chuck!
Today is Chuck's birthday! We had a fun-filled and busy day. We rang in the new year with some great friends and then sang Chuck “Happy Birthday” immediately after. Which was then followed by cupcakes! We had gone snow tubing with said friends and had a blast! We had never been before, and I think we will surely go again!
after sleeping in, we got a call from Chuck's sister asking if we wanted to play raquetball. Me? Not so much. I was sore from tubing. But Chuck was definitely game! I played a little with them and then went to sit in the hot tub and sooth my muscles!
If that weren't enough fun for the day, we had a broomball practice this afternoon. We played for a couple hours (and I admit, I actually had fun) and then Chuck and I went to dinner. (Diets start tomorrow for the new year!)
It was a great day, but now my bed is calling my name…”you're getting sleeeeepy. Veeerrrryyy Sleeeeeepy!”
This Is The End….
Today is the final day of 2008. This was a good year! I am a little sad to see it go. But I know there are a lot of new exciting adventures ahead. I wish everyone a safe and happy New Year's Eve! See you in 2009!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. All I have to give you today is a terrible picture of myself I took with my phone a couple weeks ago. I liked my hair this day, so I snapped a photo. Just pretend I am one of Santa's little elves or something. Merry Christmas from me to you!
New Jacket
I got myself a new jacket. I wanted a white/cream one for Chuck's work Christmas party. I couldn't find any in stock that I wanted and happened to walk by a Banana Republic and thought I would take a look. I was so excited to have found one I liked. This is a picture of it from their website, but this picture doesn't do it justice.
I took a picture of myself in it in the store before I got it to show to people. I will get around to posting that soon….or there's the possibility I will forget and you'll just have to see it on me in person!
We're celebrating Christmas number 2 of 6 today. I have the house clean, now I have to start cooking!
UPDATE Here is the picture of me in the jacket. Not a great picture, but it shows the wrists on it and shows it closed.
White Christmas
Last night we went to see “White Christmas” at the Ordway in St. Paul. This was for Chuck's work Christmas party. It was so much fun. There was a delicious buffet beforehand and a chocolate fountain! The show was wonderful! The music was fabulous, the sets were gorgeous and I was mesmerized by the dancing! It was a great evening and I am so glad we got to go. It was nice meeting the spouses of the people Chuck works with. There are a few couples I would really like to hang out with more and get to know better.
Now I am fully into the Christmas spirit! We have our first Christmas celebration tomorrow. I can hardly wait!
A Fast Weekend
This weekend went by so quickly! I felt really crummy on Saturday. I think it was because I hadn't slept much during the time Chuck was gone and felt crummy that whole week from lack of sleep. So it finally caught up with me. I spent most of the day sleeping and Chuck went to broomball practice. I was hoping to go since it was so nice outside. But there will be more (and most likely unpleasant) days to come to practice.
Today, Chuck's dad stopped by for a while and then Chuck installed the mp3 hard drive we have into the new car. Then we went to the Gopher hockey game. A friend of Chuck's dad has season tickets and has offered them to us before, but we were unable to go. He has great seats…third row, just to the side of the net! It was great fun! I haven't been to a hockey game in ages and there is something so exciting about being at a Gopher game.
Overall, it was a great weekend! I hope yours was great, too!
Want to see some of the most adorable pictures of sleeping kitties EVER? If you do….check out the link below! Chuck sent me this link the other day. It made me want to go home and snuggle with Sadie!
Sleeping Kitties
Recently I have been wanting a white coat. I have been wearing more brown and pink, so my black won't go with brown and my red won't go with pink. At least they don't in my mind. 🙂
Here are a couple jackets I have posted on my wish list. There isn't really one I want more than the other because they are so cute, but maybe someone can decide for me! 🙂
This one is from Old Navy.
This one is from Ann Taylor.
And this one is from Target.
I will feel like a snowball! 🙂
Grazing Day
My work decided to have a “Grazing Day” the day before Thanksgiving. This means everyone brings in food to share and you eat…ALL DAY LONG! There was so much food there. I made some cookies. I had just taken my mixer out of storage for Thanksgiving (I needed it for the potatoes) and I was hankering to bake some cookies. This is them in the bag!
I left only a couple home. This batch turned out pretty well. They were chocolate/caramel swirl chip cookies. They didn't last long at work either. So I am glad they were a hit. I even had a friend ask me if I could make her a batch of them to bring to her boyfriend. She also asked if she could claim she made them. Ha! I thought it was funny! But also a compliment to my baking. 🙂 I am also learning to take the cookies out when they are still soft. I think they don't look done, but Chuck tells me they are perfect! My grandma would be proud!