I made a dish I was a little hesitant of when we were putting this together at Let's Dish, but it turned out really well. This is Baked Tilapia. I can't remember what seasonings we used on it, but it was so flavorful and didn't have the fishy taste. There's some seasoning in with the fish, then you add this bread crumb and parmesan topping to the fish. I think I will actually make another meal with Tilapia. I cooked some herb potatoes from Let's Dish as well. It was a tasty and satisfying meal and one you don't even have to feel guilty about! Well, I didn't feel guilty! 🙂
Category: Randomness
All of my winter socks used to be ski socks..wool, warm, thick…but I am getting older. So it's time to move on to pattern socks! 🙂 I got these pairs recently and I just love them! They aren't too thick, they are warm and darn it, they are cute! I got them at Target and they were in a set of 3! I definitely want more of these for Christmas! I will be adding it to my list.
Look at how big these lilies are getting! I took these pictures yesterday and they are even prettier today. And they smell wonderful! I get so many compliments on them! And they HUGE! I have a couple pictures of them with the roses so you can see how big they are! I love this combo of flowers! You can never go wrong with roses and I love lilies in all forms! 🙂
These were all taken at my desk at work. Most people walk by and stop to smell them! I don't even have to get up and I can smell them! They keep me smiling all day!
Dragon Fruit
This is a mouse Chuck got for me about a month ago. I realized I hadn't shared this adorable little guy yet!
It's really tiny and fits well in my hand. The only downfall is that it doesn't have any back buttons, but I use mouse gestures on that laptop already from using Mac's Mighty Mouse. So it wasn't a big deal to use it with this mouse. Plus, to have a pink mouse, I would give up a lot of things and back buttons are just one of them! 🙂
Go Vikings!
Chuck got us a wonderful Anniversary gift! He got tickets to the Vikings vs. Packers game! How sweet! And for those of you that watched the game…we even won! We were in Section 141, Row 6. Which is right behind the end zone! I loved it! You could see expressions on faces and it was a blast! You can take a look at the seats at Metrodome Seating.
Then we had dinner with my mom and she got me a bunch of gifts. One was this purse.
It's a little different than the other purse I wanted, (by different I mean smaller…I have had a thing for big purses lately) but it's so cute in person. I just love it. She did well and I am so excited to try it out this week! 🙂
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was wonderful and filled with birthday celebrations and family. Birthdays are good. 🙂
One Wonderful Hubby!
My wonderful husband sent me these gorgeous flowers at work yesterday for my Annibirthary!
I sent Chuck a picture of them and he was confused because they didn't look like he thought they should. This is what they are going to look like when the lilies bloom!
To top that off we had the best dinner ever at Murray's. I have never had such a perfectly cooked piece of meat! Yum! It was a wonderful Birthday and we have a couple more celebrations coming up! It's going to be a good year! 🙂
Cajun Shrimp Pasta
The other night I made yet another meal from Let's Dish. This one was Cajun Shrimp Pasta. I was a bit hesitant when we were putting it together in the store. There wasn't much other than the pasta I thought I was going to like. Since vegetables and I don't get along (it's really a love/hate relationship and I hate them) I wasn't sure I would like this. That and I don't like shrimp. Yes, I have tried them, but I don't like the taste or texture of them. I am a freak, I know! I took two pictures. The first is Chuck's meal (the way it is supposed to be eaten) and the second is mine (which is just noodles with the sauce on it)!
It was pretty good. Spicy! But Chuck was with me by the end of the meal and didn't much care for the vegetables. I was told the shrimp were tasty, though! 🙂
Happy Annibirthary To Me!
It's that time of year again! My birthday and our Anniversary. 4 years! Time goes so quickly! It seems like just yesterday we were standing on the beach in Florida. I hope we can take a trip back there one day! And not only am I married to the best guy in the world, I am also 28! I joke about getting old, but I think my mom is having a harder time coming to terms with the fact that she has a 28 year old daughter than I do turning 28! 🙂 Chuck and I are going to dinner tonight and I am so excited! I will have to write about that, too!
As far as desserts go…I don't normally like cakes. But I always love DQ cakes! But this year I was asked if I wanted to try a Cold Stone Creamery cake. I am game! I would never say no to an ice cream cake! 🙂 These are the three I want:

Don't they all look delicious!? I sure think so!
I also get to go to my dad's house tomorrow where he'll be making my birthday meal (bbq ribs and twice baked potatoes) which was the meal my grandma always cooked for me! This is a great day (and the next few days of celebrating will be great, too) and I am so happy to share it with my wonderful hubby! May your day be as happy as mine is!
Snowman Surprise
I found this little guy in the $1 bin at Target. I do love the $1 bin! And this was an added bonus when I saw the snowman and then realized it was in pink! I turned it around to find out it was also a tiny little bank, too. That was the surprise! 🙂 I decided to keep it on my desk at work. It makes my desk feel like home! 🙂
On another note…it's almost my birthday! Tomorrow! So be sure to check out my wish list and get me something good! Ha! Only joking…mostly! 🙂