Chuck took this picture of Sadie sleeping on my head the other night. We were watching a movie and Chuck looked over and saw her sleeping. I guess it was better when Sadie was sleeping. I didn't think she was going to stay there at all once the light came on and Chuck started moving. Sadie always wants to know what Chuck is doing. 🙂 This is also a pretty rare thing for her to sleep on me and not Chuck. She loves him! Who wouldn't!? 🙂 I was curled up in my blanket and trying really hard not to move so she would stay there for the picture. Sadie did leave my head shortly after this was taken. 🙁 And probably moved closer to Chuck. 🙂
Category: Randomness
6 Random Facts About Me
Katie “tagged” me on her site to post 6 random facts about myself. I had to actually think about this one. But I will give it a shot anyway. 🙂
1. I can't think of anything better than spending time with Chuck. It doesn't matter what I am doing, it's always better when he's there!
2. I hate the process of starting things, but once I get going I am a little OCD.
3. I love to eat and get really cranky when I am not fed. But I am in incredibly picky eater.
4. I need both hands to count my best friends. (Which has not always been the case for me…I used to be very unlucky with friends. But I have truly hit the jackpot with the ones I have now!) They have to put up with a lot from me and would probably use “bitch” as one of the words to describe me.
5. When I started my job I didn't think I could do it. And after a short time, I have realized I can do this job and maybe even conquer the world! I am still thinking about what I want to be when I grow up!
6. I like collections of things. I hate having one book in a series of three…I must have them all. Same with movies (even though I will never watch them again), stamps, pens (if they come in multiple colors, I want them all). I just hate having incomplete sets.
I am not going to “tag” anyone because I don't think I could find enough people that read this to tag. 🙂
There is going to be a Realtor's Open House next week at our place. This means that realtor's come in and look at the house and hopefully bring back buyers. There is another house for sale on our block and they are going to have one at the same time. This might get more people out there since there are two houses to see. There will be food, too (main meal at our place and dessert at the other). So keep your fingers crossed!
More Cars
We looked at a couple more cars last night. Well, we actually went back and test drove a couple. We first drove the Toyota Camry.
It was nice. This is the color I really like and will try to get this color in just about any car I pick out. 🙂 There wasn't anything magnificent that stood out to me about this car, but it was still a nice car to drive.
Next we looked at the Nissan Altima.
I liked this one better. I liked the dash and many of the features. I like the push button start, Chuck likes the CVT transmission (if you know what that means, you will probably think it's cool, too). There were some other fun features about it and it was really comfortable. I think I like the look of the Altima a little more. It looks and feels a bit more sporty. (But I want it in the color of the Camry above, not the color shown here…if I were going to be picky!)
I think we'll still look at some more, but I am sure I would be happy with just about anything! 🙂 New cars are fun! At least I think they will be. I have never had one! So this is pretty exciting to me!
Busy Weekend
We were very busy this weekend! Saturday we cleaned the house (which was pretty quick to do after the cleaning people had been there because I just have to keep it clean instead of doing the hard work!). After the house cleaning we went to look at some cars. Don't you think I would look good in one of these?
It's a BMW 3 Series. Yeah, right. But still. LOVE IT! I even went and sat in them. That was just fun! The we went and looked at some houses. The Parade of Homes started again this weekend.
It was fun to go and see some houses since I am mentally moved out of mine. But it would have been a lot more fun if we were looking seriously. So hopefully someone will snatch up our place! 🙂
After the house looking and car browsing, we went to Katie's little boy's 3rd birthday party. He was so cute!
And Katie got a jumper for and had a lady doing balloon animals and temporary tattoos (which you can see on Caleb's arm). You can read more about the festivities at Katie's website.
Then we went to my mom's birthday dinner and had a great time seeing everyone. By the time we got home we were exhausted. I have to say, I didn't do much on Sunday. Pretty much sat on the couch for most of the day. I left the house to get pizza for dinner. 🙂 That was about it! Hope you had a good weekend, too!
One Huge Weed!
This was on the side of our shed. I took this when we were getting ready to put our house on the market and doing some clean up around the house. Obviously I had to pull this bugger out! It was going to take over Mound. I am pretty sure of that! It was taller than me (which, I know, isn't saying a whole lot)! I guess weeds really like being next to a compost heap, because it was surely getting fetrilized by something! 🙂
We also had another showing on our house last night. 8-9 pm! Seriously? I am glad someone is looking, but that's almost my bedtime! So we went and had some dinner. We got the call when we were looking at cars today. Just casually looking really. But if you have a car you highly recommend that you think we should consider, let me know. I am thinking more car than SUV or even small SUV. We already have a Suburban, so we should really have something more practical, too! 🙂 We were looking at the new diesel Jettas, but apparently there's a long waiting list and we might get one next May! That's just silly. So we are maybe broadening our car horizons. But I still want it to be a manual! I can possibly give up the diesel, but the manual….fat chance! 🙂
Purple Pepper Eater
These are some peppers my dad has been growing. I can't remember what kind they are, I just thought they were cool because they were purple. They apparently turn red when they are ripe and grow upwards on the plant. They are pretty cute!
This is just a flower they had growing at their house. It was actually a whole pot of them. I just wanted a close up. I took a few and this was the only one that sort of turned out. It was windy that day! (I'll take any excuse for my poor photography abilities!) But it went well with the purple theme I had going with the peppers!
The Cacique
That is the name of Chuck's dad's new boat…”Cacique”. It's so cool! I have posted links to my pictures, but I thought I would post a link to my friend, Kelly's pictures too, because she took way more! 🙂 We had gorgeous weather and a wonderful time. We were sad to go home! We'll have to do it again next year!
This was a picture that the volunteer at the lighthouse took of us. The boat is in the background.
We're off to Bayfield this weekend with some friends, Chuck's sister and her boyfriend and a couple of their friends. Chuck's dad got a new boat this year (yes, a bigger one for those that know about it already) and we haven't been up there yet to see it! I am so very excited! I put a picture of the boat below. (I just saved a snapshot from the webcam.) Yes, they have a webcam up at the boat (so I can spy on their goings-on). If you want to go there and see what it looks like, feel free. You can't miss it in the picture! It's the biggest one there. Two stories, all enclosed, 65 feet! I can hardly wait!
iPhones Rule
And all others drool! 🙂 We are getting the new iPhones today and I am so excited. I am mostly excited to have a matching pair of Apple's in my house! I am getting the white one that no one seems to like. I think it's much more girly and it will match my Macbook. I'll be stylin'! Yay! 🙂 The old phones are silver, which is cool, too. But when Chuck and I have the cases off our phones it's impossible to tell them apart without turning the screen on. This will be a good way to tell them apart!
Goofy Kitty
Here is exactly what I am sure you wanted to see today…more pictures of my strange cat! But even if you didn't…that's what you are going to get! 🙂
This is Sadie under the magazine rack. (And yes, I do know there is a lack of magazines in the rack and it is filled with a blanket and pillows!) I am not sure how she got there. Did she turn around under there or did she wiggle in backwards? I may never know!
This picture was from a while ago at the vet's office. She was completely behind the computer. I don't know how she got in there, but I had to pull the computer off that ledge she is sitting on and set it on the floor to get her out. She wasn't going anywhere, so I had plenty of time to take this picture….but the picture didn't turn out too well because it was done with my phone!
Chuck and I are going to the fair after work today. Since we'll be gone all weekend, I have to be sure to get in my fix of food! MMM…pronto pups, french fries, corn on the cob, jerky, mmm…..all mixed in with the smell of animal poo…..I can hardly wait! 🙂