Yay! We're heading up to Alexandria this weekend for a cabin party with our friends. Chuck and his friends have gone up there for many years and it has been a summer tradition for them. Although some of the people have changed over the years, it's still the same old cabin party…hanging out with friends, playing in the lake, drinking, bon-fires and stories that go with them…it's just a great summer event! Have a great weekend!
Category: Randomness
I Want This!
Or maybe “want” isn't a strong enough word. I actually *need* it! If anyone happens to be in the market to get me something…I have just the thing. If you want to buy it now for my birthday or something *wink*, I would be eternally grateful!
My friend just got it and it is SO very cute in person. I was thinking about it before I went to bed and therefore was dreaming about it! So if you were thinking of gifts for me because I am such a sweet person…hehehe. I have also added it to my wish list on the side –>. It's brand new at Target so it should be around a while, but who knows! 🙂
I will show you the picture of the pen I made for Chuck tomorrow.
*EDIT* If you do end up getting this for me…maybe I should be notified so I can quit asking people for it and take it off my wish list. 🙂 Or I could have multiples and then exchange them…so no big deal! hehe.
Woo Hoo!
Woo Hoo! It's the weekend! Well, in a few minutes. 🙂 We're leaving work early today to head to Iowa for a weekend at the cabin with some of Chuck's relatives. It should be a good time. We haven't seen most of them in a while…Christmas maybe! We're bringing the jet ski and his cousin is bringing his boat. It should be a blast. Have a great weekend!
My Poor Lilies!
So one day I get home and THIS is what I see.
I was so sad. They look so pitiful! One morning Chuck came to tell me to look outside because there was a rabbit having a smorgasbord on my plants. It ran away before I saw it, but if I saw it I may have ran out there and done something to it. Then I would have announced we were having Rabbit Soup for dinner.
Then on top of that, we had a bunch of really strong winds at our house and one of them was almost pulled out. I have it leaning up against the one next to it. My poor lilies. Thankfully they have flowered and are still blooming. Had this happened before they had flowers, I am not sure they would have gotten any at all. That would have really made me sad since hardly any of my other lilies are blooming (which I am sure is partly due to cutting them in half and replanting them in the back).
Let this be a lesson to you….don't let a rabbit cut your hair. They do a real knock up job!
What do YOU want to be when you grow up?
I have to post this funny article Chuck showed me from The Onion the other day. It cracked me up. It gives a whole new meaning to “what do you want to be when you grow up?”
5 Year Old Wants To Be A Tractor When She Grows Up
I had to share this because one, it was hilarious and two, because my friend, Katie posted this on her site. In summary, her son wants to fly a plane someday and her daughter has taken to hiding under the coffee table like a car…so I thought maybe she wanted to BE a car someday! Since she is only 6 1/2 months old, her future career will probably change numerous times before she settles on something as cool as a car! She'll probably want to be a princess, a doctor or a kitty first!
Yay For Lilies
First, I know I haven't been very good about keeping up on here. By the time I get home, playing on the computer is the last thing I want to do! That, and I don't think you want to hear work stories. Other than work, not much has been going on! There are a couple little things, but we'll save those so I have something to write about tomorrow!
These are my gorgeous Tiger Lilies I have by the front of my house. I love the color of them and they are so big this year compared to last year! It was really fun to watch them grow this year.
These are the pictures I took of them! They just make me smile. I will be sad when they are done flowering for the summer. And who knows…maybe by next summer we'll live somewhere else and I'll have to plant more of them. 🙂
White Purse
Here is a white purse I picked up. (Also from Target.) This one is bigger, but I really like it. I think it's really cute and there is just a tiny bit of decoration on it with the eyelets on the front. The part to put your arm through is a little small, so I can't just whip it on my shoulder without either getting stuck or readjusting slightly to get my arm through! But now that I have wonderful bag, I don't know how I managed without a white bag for so long! 🙂
Silver Purse
I don't have much of anything that is yellow gold (yes I say yellow gold because I have many things that are white gold). So when I came across this purse a couple weeks ago, I was so excited!
Yes, I know this picture isn't great (I took it with my phone), but I couldn't find a picture of it online to save my life! And if my life really did depended on it…maybe I could find it, but I was done searching and just took a picture myself! These larger bags are very “in” right now and I have to say that I like them. I am sure that being as small as I am that large bags aren't all that great for me, but I still love them! Mostly I was just excited to find a silver bag that I liked! 🙂 Oh, and this was purchased at Target just like most everything I buy! What a great store! 🙂
Some Lovely Flowers
Not too long ago I got a great raise at work! I was so excited! So Chuck brought home these lovely flowers for me in celebration!
They have lasted until today and I got them I think the 24th of June! So I am very happy about that! My favorite part about them are the striped flowers! Check these out!
Aren't they cool!? I just love them! The only downfall s they turn the water pink and if it gets on your counter, the dye is slightly like Kool Aid! I know the picture was a little fuzzy, but I kept forgetting to take pictures and when I finally remembered, the lighting wasn't that great in the kitchen! Hopefully I can work really hard and get a raise at the end of the year at my next review and maybe I'll get more of these beauties! 🙂
Wind Chime
This is the wind chime I got for my step mom for her birthday.
I love the way my wind chimes sound outside and I didn't think she had one. So I was on a mission to find one for her. I found it at The Bibelot. They always have such fun things in there and I could spend the better part of a day just browsing around in there. But I saw this online and was in and out so I could run some other errands. It's made out of glass or glass-like material and sounds so nice! The colors are so pretty and bright in person! It will look great outside! And I love that all of the glass pieces are hanging from a branch! So if you are in need of a new wind chime, I definitely recommend checking these out!