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Category: Randomness
Toby Lightman's New CD
Toby Lightman's new cd came out while we were on our trip. I hope I can go pick it up soon. I am so excited. I just love her music!

Her first cd I listen to ALL the time. “Front Row” is my favorite song.

We first heard her at an OAR concert. She was one of the opening bands. She also sings on OAR's “Stories of a Stranger” CD.
Crazy Daisies
Chuck brought these beautiful flowers home yesterday. They were really called “Crazy Daisies”! I think they are so cool!

Pug Bowling
I walked past our front door on Saturday and saw a 5 legged Grasshopper attached to the glass. He was a strange looking little guy. I took a couple pictures of him through the glass. I didn't know that the little things were so goofy up close.
Look at that silly face. There are a couple more pictures of him HERE. I thought they were pretty friendly, but after seeing them up close….I'm not going to get to close. Yuck!
Hooray for Lilies
All of my Lily plants in the front of the house have flowers on them now. I am so excited. The one that I am most happy about is the red one by the front of the house.

They are so pretty and by far my favorite. HERE is the page with all the pictures of the Lilies around the house. Once they get more flowers on some of the recently bloomed ones, I will put those in that folder as well.
Dodge Caliber Commercial * Binky
This has to be my favorite commerical right now. It is so clever. And you have to love Binky. 🙂 Take a look…it's hilarious!
"When I was a kid…."
Have your parents or grandparents ever started a story this way? Well, I have one we'll say to our kids. We were at dinner at Chuck's mom's house and had some watermelon with dinner. Linda told us that it's been very hard to find watermelons with seeds in them. (They use them for a project at the school where she teaches.) Chuck said, “Someday we'll tell our kids…When I was a kid, our watermelons had seeds in them. And we liked it that way!” It's true. They have finally started to get seedless watermelons to taste like seeded ones, so the ones with seeds are harder to find. (But I still think seedless have seeds…those little white ones I still pick out.) So be sure to tell your kids someday about the strange watermelons we enjoyed…with seeds!
4th of July
We had a good 4th. We did some things around the house part of the weekend. On the 3rd, my brother came over and we went out on the lake and played with the Jet Ski and did some fishing. HERE are pictures from hanging out.
On the 4th we went to see “Superman” and had lunch at Potbelly. Both were very good. Then we went to Chuck's mom's house for dinner with Paige and Brian. Then Paige and Brian came out on the lake with us to watch fireworks. We hadn't been out on Lake Minnetonka for fireworks before. It was a lot of fun, but there were a ton of people out there. We could see probably 5 different displays of fireworks. It was lots of fun. HERE are some pictures from the fireworks. (it's hard to take good ones when the boat is moving.) It took a long time to get back to the dock and the people were quite frightning. They had been drinking all day and then thought they were going to fit their large boats through a small channel next to some other big boats. They all thought they got to go first. It was a little scary. But we had fun! And now we can say we watched fireworks on Lake Minnetonka on our boat!