We’ve been under quarantine and social distancing for almost 6 weeks now. The coronavirus (COVID19) has taken over our lives here in 2020. Every waking (and sometimes even non-waking) moment is spent thinking about what going on. Worrying. The repercussions of this will be lasting. This won’t be something anyone will forget.
Everything has been cancelled. From schools, to stores, to parks, to gatherings of any sort. Grocery stores and doctors are still working tirelessly for all of us. We just need to stay away from each other. You wouldn’t think it would be that hard. Yet some still aren’t taking it seriously.
The only way this will work is for everyone to socially distance themselves. Some people don’t see it as important or don’t think this is that big of a deal. Well, it’s huge and the biggest thing our generation has seen.
My kids are already going through a huge life change with the plans of moving (that will be another whole post). But now their school is cancelled (most likely until the end of the year even though it hasn’t been said yet), their sports are cancelled, they are being forced to be homeschooled by parents who have to teach them (or at least guide them through what their teachers have been assigning). It’s been a huge challenge for teachers to try to figure out what the hell they are going to do for students. How will we reach the students? How will we teach them [well] remotely? How do we feed some of them that desperately rely on school for nutrition? How do we…? How will we…? OMG…WTF…we don’t know what to do.
Businesses are doing all they can to help employees work remotely. They are struggling to stay afloat and pay employees where they can. Some people are just out of work because their jobs are not considered “essential” right now. So many are struggling. And scared. And people are scrambling for toilet paper. Seriously. Who would have though a couple months ago that toilet paper would be so readily on everyone’s mind?
Once we started shelter in place a number of weeks ago, things just felt different. Not that it wasn’t already real, but it all felt MORE real. I have a lot more thoughts on this, so I won’t make this go on forever. But I just needed to get some thoughts out and journaled about.
I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. If you are considered essential, Thank You! If not and you are working from home (or are not able to work), Thank You! Staying home is keeping all of us safe.