This little space on the web has been a hidden corner of my thoughts and randomness throughout the years. It has been neglected for some time, but I have been feeling that I need to write more and get more thoughts out. I am not expecting loads people to come visit or this to be some lucrative money-maker. I just wanted to start putting more of my thoughts down.
I have been playing around with this site for a long time while I have been learning some web development. I have found that this layout does what I want and I like the simplicity of it. I think it makes my posts look less cluttered and stand out at the same time. I have been integrated two of my instagram pages as well and I like the way they look.
Another reason for wanting to write more is that I think I shy away from saying what I am feeling because I am afraid of offending someone. I am a people pleaser and I like having everyone feel comfortable. But life isn’t always comfortable.
My last post was about being brave and not perfect. So I am going to try to tackle one of the parts of me that needs to be more brave and that is saying what I am feeling even at the risks of possibly offending, hurting someone’s feelings or just generally not having everyone have the exact same thoughts as me.
Over the years, I think I have been able to be a chameleon in my friendships and various relationships because I would agree with or go along with what others thought. Sometimes hiding my own feelings to make others feel right.
But when I think about who I am inside (and who I want to be on the outside) it is someone with my own thoughts, feelings and opinions. So I am vowing to just do some more writing here to get some of my thoughts out of my head.
I don’t have overly important things to say that have been eating at me (or maybe I do and I am belittling my thoughts as I usually do). I feel like some of these things are really instagram-worthy material. Those are snippets of things and not as much of a platform for my lengthy ramblings.
Also, this is not a new years resolution. It is merely coincidence that this is happing in the new year. It is mostly because this is the time of year I have some extra time and energy after the holidays to tackle this.
So join me if you want in my ramblings and self-reflection. Some of these will be linked via instagram at times if I think they need to be. Welcome to the more outwardly (instead of internally) outspoken me.
(Image by Amanda Oleander – “Free Your Mind”.)