I saw Trisha’s post about our play date and completely forgot I had more pictures!
Having a snack and being silly.
Play Doh fun. Don’t look if you don’t like your Play Doh mixed! 🙂
— my little corner of randomness —
Last week, Trisha brought her kids over for a play date. Maddie and Chelsea are at such a fun age and play together so well.
They were dancing to the “ABCs” on Maddie’s little laptop…..over and over and over. And held hands while they sang and danced. I even got a video of them! So cute!
The babies had fun together, too. Dannie thought Tyler was hilarious and tried to snuggle him!
Aren’t they the cutest little things? They sure liked each other! Maybe we’ll be showing these pictures at their wedding someday! 🙂
Maddie had a wonderful 2nd birthday party. We had a bunch of friends and family come celebrate with her. Chuck’s mom made Maddie a dress with Elmo on it. She even made Elmo’s face!
Here are some pictures of everyone mingling and eating. The kids loved playing with the balloons we blew up. I even drew Elmo faces on them!
Here’s a picture of me stuffing my face with pizza!
Maddie loved the noise makers.
She even blew out the candles all by herself!
And ate some cake. Well, she mostly just ate the frosting!
We opened a few presents before she went down for her nap. The ones from her grandparents and aunt and uncle.
Along with a bunch of other cute things, my mom gave her a music box that I think was mine.
Uncle Adam and Aunt Katie have her a LeapFrog My Own Leaptop. She loves that toy! And I do, too. Now she doesn’t want my iPad as much because she has her own. And you can program it with her name and emails from specific people. It’s really cute! And she loves to bring it in the car with her. It sings the ABCs and Maddie just can’t get enough of that song!
Another one of her favorite presents was a Melissa & Doug Slice and Bake Cookie Set. We didn’t take it out of its packaging before her nap, but she wanted to play with it as soon as she got up and it is definitely one of her favorite toys right now.
We opened a bunch of other presents. Some from us, and the rest from her party.
Here’s the present aftermath!
Dannie slept right through present opening!
Maddie had a great day and we were so happy so many people were able to come celebrate with us! Thanks for making our little girl’s big day so fun!
Our peanut turned three months old last week. (Yes, I’m behind on my blog posts!) Dannie is such a wonderful addition to our little family! She’s so sweet, cuddly, smily, and the best little baby.
Dannie is still a great little sleeper. She can put herself back to sleep at night and will fall asleep for naps. I seriously love her!
And she has started sucking her fingers. It’s adorable!
She will grab at things in front of her. Her bib is her favorite as well as an owl toy that I hung from her bouncy seat. She also likes big stickers I put on her belly!
Also, Dannie rolls all over the place and just the other day started rolling from her back to her stomach. I might have another early mover on my hands!
When I put her in her bouncy seat, I think she’s going to take off! Her feet just kick like crazy. She doesn’t sit still at all!
Dannie has also become quite the little talker. She coos and makes all sorts of adorable noises at you!
Here are Dannie’s previous monthly posts.
2 Months
1 Month
For Valentine’s Day, Chuck got me a new FitBit. It’s the FitBit Zip….in pink, of course!
My old one was the first one we got many years ago. It wasn’t holding a charge very well anymore. This one takes a battery, which is much better for me since I suck at remembering to charge devices. It doesn’t have sleep tracking, but I never really used that anyway. It also syncs with a scale and a food tracking app I use (LoseIt). Overall, I love it!
If you don’t have a Fitbit and you are curious about how many steps you take and more…I highly recommend this!
It’s happening. My baby is growing up! Maddie turns 2 today. I can hardly believe it was only two short years ago that this beautiful little girl made us the happiest people ever and made us parents. She did give her momma a rough entrance into the world, but she was worth it all!
Maddie is so smart, loving and so very silly!
She loves building with daddy and daddy loves it, too.
She’s always trying new things and she loves when her doll tries them with her.
She’s a wonderful big sister. She loves Dannie so much and Dannie lights up when Maddie is around.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Maddie! Mommy, Daddy and Dannie love you to pieces!
(More pictures to come after her birthday party today!)
I came across this and it made me think about how nice a spa day would be…even with toddlers running it. It also reminds me of the cute back rubs Maddie gives me. 🙂
We combined December and January for book club and read The Paris Wife. I had a hard time getting into it, but the other ladies loved it.
Chicago, 1920: Hadley Richardson is a quiet twenty-eight-year-old who has all but given up on love and happiness—until she meets Ernest Hemingway. Following a whirlwind courtship and wedding, the pair set sail for Paris, where they become the golden couple in a lively and volatile group—the fabled “Lost Generation”—that includes Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Though deeply in love, the Hemingways are ill prepared for the hard-drinking, fast-living, and free-loving life of Jazz Age Paris. As Ernest struggles to find the voice that will earn him a place in history and pours himself into the novel that will become The Sun Also Rises, Hadley strives to hold on to her sense of self as her roles as wife, friend, and muse become more challenging. Eventually they find themselves facing the ultimate crisis of their marriage—a deception that will lead to the unraveling of everything they’ve fought so hard for.
A heartbreaking portrayal of love and torn loyalty, The Paris Wife is all the more poignant because we know that, in the end, Hemingway wrote that he would rather have died than fallen in love with anyone but Hadley.
I did finish it…a couple days after we met for book club. It was well written, I just didn’t care much for the characters. He was a jerk and she was kind of a pushover. But overall, fairly enjoyable. It’s gotten good reviews from many people, so maybe you’d like to add it to our list of books to read.
Happy reading!
Here are a couple other bonus photos I got. The photographer from our family phot shoot asked me if I’d be interested in doing some newborn photos with Dannie. Apparently new moms don’t usually like to do this pictures and she wanted a few more shots for her portfolio. I was happy to oblige!