I was thinking I haven’t done a weird random post in a while. So as I was thinking of things to blog about, I thought I would do a brain dump of things.
I have been in a furious declutter/cleaning mode lately. To the point where I am worried about my sanity and why I am doing things that I have never done before. Or obsessively cleaning things that never seemed to bother me before. Or being OCD about picking up toys. Just weird things. I have been throwing things away left and right that I don’t need. As I am trying to fall asleep, all I can think about is what I am going to clean or organize the next day. It’s a sickness, I think. 
I have been pretty good about sticking to my resolutions. The only thing I have been bad about are making phone apps. I think once I sit down and do it, I’m going to be addicted. But I have a hard time getting started. I think I am scared. I am a wuss when it comes to new things. So I need to get on that. But I have lost a couple pounds, been eating better, reading more, walking on the treadmill a lot, cooking more (and doing a good job of planning meals and working on eating our smorgasbord of food in the freezer), making sure we all eat together when we can and trying to make more plans with friends.
I have also been thinking about what I might want to be/do when I grow up. I love staying home, but some day, when kids are in school, I would like to go back to work. Ideally, I would love to have my summers free when kids are home, but I would be happy to be able to work from home when kids are in school. (And no…I am not pregnant, but we do hope for at least one more kid in the future…hence making “kids”.) Some things I have been thinking about are working in special ed. I have a neighbor that does it and find it very fascinating, challenging and rewarding. I think it would be fun to specialize in something like sign language. I would also LOVE to be an editor. I would love to edit books, magazines, websites…anything that would be printed/read. If anyone knows of any opportunities or information in these areas, PLEASE let me know! I would be very thankful!
So that’s a couple things that have been on my mind, but don’t really warrant their own posts.
And here’s a little picture of Maddie since I haven’t shared one in a while…I’ll have to do a photo dump soon. No one likes a blog post without pictures!