Our baby girl is 6 months old! I can’t believe how fast she is growing up! But at the same time I am so excited for her to get older. She gets more fun every day.
Maddie was 14.15 lbs. and 27.25″ long. She is still very long and thin for her age. Her growth charts make me laugh. She also got a couple more immunization shots and was a good sport! She only cried for a few seconds, then was happy again. The doctor’s office also sent us away with a little fabric book for her. It’s cheap for them to do, but the parents like it! And it kept her happy after her shots while I made her next appointment (which will be at 9 months old).
Maddie has learned lots this month. She has gotten very good at sitting on her own. I still put a pillow behind her because she has a tendency to flail her body when she gets really exciting and fall backward. And she sometimes takes nose dives, too. I laugh at her. 
And of course, she is also army crawling all over the place. She is speedy! It’s so cute to see her mobile. She will crawl into the kitchen to “help” me and she likes to bang things on the wood floors.
She has learned that she can reach for me. Therefore, she has started to be a little clingy these days. But I think part of the clinginess is because she is close to getting her bottom teeth. I feel like we have been waiting forever! The doctor told us at her 4 month appointment that she could feel her teeth and now, at 6 months, they still aren’t in. Oh well. They will come eventually. And won’t she be cute with a couple little teeth!? 
Maddie has started eating solid food. On August first, a few weeks shy of her 6 month birthday, we started rice cereal. So far, she has also tried pears, green beans, carrots and bananas. She is a great little eater and says “mmmm” while she eats. She even helps and grabs the spoon and shoves it in her mouth.
Here are some pictures I took. These pictures are getting much harder to take. Maddie doesn’t like being in her crib because she thinks it’s time to sleep. So getting her to play in there isn’t easy. And she doesn’t sit still for even a minute! So I keep getting lots of action shots!

A little note: I put all the pictures I take of Maddie, for example, between 5 and 6 months, in the 5 month album. So there are lots more pictures there to look at from her previous month. Basically, it’s the pictures I took of her while she was _x_ months old. Just an FYI.
Here are the 6 month pictures I took.
5 month pictures & 5 month post
4 month pictures & 4 month post
3 month pictures & 3 month post
2 month pictures & 2 month post
1 month pictures & 1 month post
I also have a few more posts for the next couple days with some silly pictures of Maddie. So stay tuned!