As most of you (my 3 readers) know, Chuck and I are expecting our first baby in February. We couldn't be more excited! It's going to be a huge change to our lives…one we are so thankful for!
Here is an ultrasound picture from 12 weeks 2 days. I love how much it looks like a person now instead of a blob! There's one picture we have where it looks like Baby Hays is trying to suck their thumb!

Life has had some ups and a lot of downs for us in the past year and a half. Finding out about this baby was some much needed good news for us!
We are so blessed to have so many great friends and loving family members that are so excited for us. This baby is going to be so loved. It makes me so happy to know this!
I have added a “Baby Hays” section to the right. I have some “journal” type things I have written to have on hand that I will keep over there.
I am also adding a “Baby Stuff” category, too. This is going to have some products I like and gifts I get along the way from people. I think it will be a good way to keep track of some of these things.
We can find out if we're having a boy or a girl on September 22nd…two weeks from yesterday! At which point I will promptly go and start a registry! Because it's killing me to not add things now.
As you also may have noticed, I added a “ticker” to the top of the page so you can see how far along I am. I think it's fun to see it on other people's pages. And since this is my page…well, I can do what I want! 🙂
I was playing around with a making a website through You can check that out HERE. There are some pictures of my growing belly in there. I am sure I will also post that information here, but for now, I have it there! 🙂
I am quickly approaching the half way point of this pregnancy and I can't believe how quickly time is flying. I know there is a ton that needs to be done before February, but right now I am mostly taking naps and relaxing! 🙂
Until the next update!