Alex is FOUR months old today. We just love him more each day. He's the sweetest, happiest, most easy going little baby. His sisters love him to pieces and he's the perfect addition to our family.
This month, I stopped nursing and although it was a hard choice, it has definitely been the right one for us. Alex has been happy and I have been able to get a lot done since I'm not tied to the couch with him. I also went out with some friends for dinner (and drinks) while Chuck watched the kids. I also took Maddie to a birthday party (and this may have been one of the only times I have done something with just her in a LONG time, if ever). He gets really excited when he sees his bottles. This boy just loves his food!
Alex has been sleeping through the night. He loves being swaddled and it usually puts him right to sleep. He has also been staying awake a lot more during the day and will usually take a decent afternoon nap around the same time the girls have their rest times. It's heavenly!
He really likes to roll over whenever I set him on the floor. He gets really upset because he can't roll back, but it takes hi only a few seconds to roll onto his stomach. I need to set something by hi so he won't roll over and get mad. 🙂
Alex has been playing with his toys a lot. He likes to grab at toys (or my hair) whenever he can. He's got quite a strong little grip to him! He's been getting his hands to his mouth a lot more and sometimes will grab his feet, too.
He's been doing a lot of babbling. He likes to coo at you and will sit there talking to his toys. He continues to like the game of sticking your tongue out at him and he will stick his out back at you.
One of my favorite things is getting him to laugh when you tickle his tummy, sides, armpits or neck. Baby giggles are just the sweetest noise ever!
So yet another month has flown by and we have loved every minute. I'm looking forward to him sitting up more and playing with more toys and I think it will be lots of fun when he starts eating solid food in a couple months!