1. New Daughtry songs – well, new to me!
2. Finding new buses that get me where I need to go.
3. Tasty leftovers
4. Getting home early today
5. Spicy tacos
— my little corner of randomness —
1. New Daughtry songs – well, new to me!
2. Finding new buses that get me where I need to go.
3. Tasty leftovers
4. Getting home early today
5. Spicy tacos
1. Making lunches last night and bringing them to work.
2. Cuties Mandarin Oranges
3. Some new makeup
4. Mix 10…fancy new MS stuff!
5. Melt-in-your-mouth meatballs made by my hubby.
1. Sleeping in
2. Getting many loads of laundry done
3. Getting the house back in order
4. Working on my resume and doing some job hunting.
5. A beautifully warm and gorgeous March day.
1. Happy mornings
2. The best helpful hubby
3. The amount of grass that can be seen on our lawn from temps in the 40s and rain all week.
4. Dinner and a show…literally.
5. Daylight savings tonight…spring ahead, so lose an hour, but yay for more light!
1. Being dropped off at the bus stop and being picked up after work
2. Chats at dinner with my hubby
3. Hanging out with great friends
4. Surprise parties
5. Astro Pops
1. A new perspective
2. Hand held devices that play funny sounds
3. Getting through a stressful day.
4. The Container Store
5. Hanging out with my mom – she decided we should get together once a month.
1. Wintergreen gum and Ice Breakers mints
2. Bottomless chips and salsa
3. Cajun Chicken Pasta
4. Seeing my dad
5. Taking new vitamins
1. Wintergreen Tic Tacs
2. I didn't snack all morning!
3. Narwhal whales
4. Job hunting
5. Coming home to the smell of spicy tacos!
1. Being sore (in a good way from skiing)
2. Warm sweaters
3. Making jewelry in the car over the weekend and getting to wear it to work.
4. Starting back on the diet after a weekend of eating poorly.
5. Coming home after a long day to a hubby grilling burgers!
1. Breakfast buffet
2. Being a couple of the first people on the hills in the morning.
3. Making the first tracks down a hill.
4. Stopping for ice cream on the way home!
5. Sitting on the couch after a great weekend and crawling into my bed!