Maddie likes to put things on her head. Toys, jackets, baskets….
Buckets (sorry, bad pictures)….
I think the girl could use some hats.
— my little corner of randomness —
As a follow up to yesterday’s picture, I thought I should also share this one.
Yep. Maddie has found her nose and it’s apparently lots of fun to stick her finger in it. I’m not sure if you can tell, but she has a HUGE smile on her face because she is so proud of herself. She left her finger in there, laughing at herself, long enough for me to find my phone and take a picture of her. That is an eternity in toddler time if you don’t know that! So I guess that means it’s pretty cool!
Last weekend, we started cleaning out my craft room. Which has really turned into the room I throw anything I don’t want to deal with at the moment. So I lovingly call it my “Crap Room.” Before too long, we would like to move Maddie into that room. She hasn’t slept over night anywhere but her bed since she was born. And we have a couple multiple night stays out of town this year. So we thought it wouldn’t hurt to do it sooner rather than later. And this room tends to be a little cooler, so we don’t want the next baby sleeping in this room.
So, all that nonsense to show some pictures of the progress!
This is what the room looks like now. The big blank wall was where my big shelf from Ikea was.
It doesn’t look like we made much progress, but taking stuff off the shelf was a long process. And Chuck has also cleaned out the closet, which was another huge task. The biggest thing left will be to sort through all my craft stuff stacked on the shelf in the corner.
So we moved the Ikea shelf into the playroom just outside this room. I love the shelf out there!
That’s what we’ve been working on. Any big projects going on at your house? Any projects you have been avoiding tackling (like I have been avoiding this room!)?
A while back, I bought Maddie a chair she could sit on in the porch or driveway with us. She loves it! She sits in it all the time and pushes it around. These pictures were from quite a while ago when she was playing outside on a chilly afternoon while Chuck was building the porch furniture.
Maddie loved “helping” dad!
We thought we would put her in one of the boxes. She looked interested in it. And yes, of course we closed the lid on her head!
She was not impressed.
Chuck found a game that Maddie can’t get enough of! It’s called Baby Smash. Basically, the kids play with a keyboard and the program says letter names and shapes and colors depending on what button the press. Seriously, it’s like toddler crack! Maddie just can’t get enough. We downloaded it on an old laptop for Maddie. Then the other night, Chuck hooked up a laptop to the tv so Maddie could play it on a bigger screen!
She laughs and squeals at it. It is so cute! If you have a toddler (or really if you just want to play it for fun) I highly recommend it!
Happy smashing!
Yesterday Maddie and I went to the Mall of America with our friends Trisha and Chelsea! The girls were having a great time handing toys back and forth between the strollers and laughing at each other while they ate their McDonald’s lunch! They are going to be great friends!
Trisha took this picture of the girls…and yes, it is in a restroom!
I love that Maddie is hamming it up for the camera. Such a silly girl! Can’t wait until our next play date!
A couple weeks ago, Maddie and I went to the zoo then lunch at the mall with Trisha and her daughter Chelsea. (The girls had a great time at the zoo. Maddie showed Chelsea the ropes as she followed Maddie around!) After lunch and walking around the mall a little more, Maddie took out all of her veggie straws and put them in the try on her stroller. She was so proud of herself.
She did eventually share some with Chelsea, too.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, my daughter is a strange one. Here are some pictures of her putting a basket on her head. She does this ALL the time.
Yup….that’s our girl. She giggles the whole time. She also likes to put a bucket on her head as well as a plastic toy pot from her kitchen. Oh, and she was wearing a colander as a hat the other day, too. Love her!
In one of the videos yesterday, Maddie was dancing to “Daughter” by Loudon Wainwright III. I guess it was in the soundtrack for the movie Knocked Up. Huh. Guess I don’t pay very close attention. Chuck had me listen to the lyrics. What a sweet song. If you have a little girl, you will appreciate this song.
Everything she sees, She says she wants
Everything she wants, I see she gets
That’s my daughter in the water, Everything she owns I bought her
Everything she owns
That’s my daughter in the water, Everything she knows I taught her
Everything she knows
Everything I say, She takes to heart
Every time she takes, She takes apart
That’s my daughter in the water, Every time she fell I caught her
Every time she fell
That’s my daughter in the water, I lost every time I faught her
Yeah I lost every time
Every time she blinks, She strikes somebody blind
Every time she thinks, Blows her tiny mind
That’s my daughter in the water, Who’d’ve ever thought her
Who’d’ve ever thought
That’s my daughter in the water, I lost every time I faught her
Yeah I lost every time
(Instrumental until the end)
Now I have the song in my head.