Time hasn’t halted. It is still flying by. Which means that my little peanut is 8 months old already! She is such a sweet little girl. We are so lucky to have such a happy, social, fun baby!

She started saying “mamamama”. She was saying only this consonant for a long time. She says it when she is playing and especially when she is eating. It’s really cute. Then I heard a couple little “ba ba” noises. And one day she found her tongue! She can’t stop moving it, making noises with it, sticking it out! It’s hilarious!
Here are a couple videos of Maddie saying “mama”. She quits doing the noises as soon as the video camera comes out!
Here is a video of Maddie clicking her tongue.
And here is a video of her newest noise….lalalala. This video cracks me up. She does this all the time. It’s hard to get a good video of her doing it, though. I’ve tried!
I have gotten Maddie on a good sleep and nap schedule. I really try to stick to it and get her naps in at the same time every day. I am quite proud of myself for doing this. I wasn’t sure I would be very good at sticking to a schedule. 
Just a couple days before she turned 8 months old, Maddie decided to start crawling on her hands and knees instead of army crawling around. It’s so cute. She isn’t very fast and looks a little uncoordinated doing it, but she is getting better every day!
Maddie stands at everything. She pulls herself up to walls, chairs, couches, her toys, your legs…. I got her a toy she can walk behind. It’s a little advanced for her yet, but she sure has a good time trying.

She’s also gotten better about playing by herself. She doesn’t need me to sit there with her all day. It’s more comfortable to sit on the couch part of the day instead of the floor.
She just finds toys and bangs them together, crawls around with them, puts toys in bins or takes them out, plays with her books….it’s so fun to see her really turning into a little person.
We had to rearrange the furniture to keep her from playing with the curtains and getting into everything. She really keeps me on my toes. I am hoping I won’t be writing about her walking next month! I’m not ready for all this mobility! 

My baby is growing up so fast! I can’t believe 8 months has passed already. This day seemed so far away when we got home with her. I had no clue what to do with a baby. And look! I have a happy, healthy little girl who wants nothing more than to play with the neighbor kids and run! Oh man, do we have our work cut out for us with her!
Here are the rest of the pictures I have from the past month.