I just had to mention how excited I am that Maddie slept through the night last night! I know this may be a fluke, but any parent of a new baby knows how exciting it is to get many hours of sleep in a row at night.
The past few nights (or maybe a week) I have been putting Maddie to bed around 10 or so and waking her up when I wake up at about 5 to eat. She doesn’t eat long and then goes back to sleep for a few more hours. It’s been nice. Yesterday, I took a shower and did a few things around the house before I woke her up.
Last night, Maddie went to bed about 10 and I woke her up at 7. And yes, I woke her up. She didn’t wake on her own…although, I think she was pretty close to waking up.
What do I think caused this wonderful thing to happen? Two words….Sleep Sack. Well, and luck, of course! But if I get her good and tight in her sleep sack, she sleeps really well. If she isn’t tight in it, she will sleep for 3-4 hours or until she wiggles her arms out. An when she wiggles her arms out, she startles herself and looks like this!

My friend told me about another thing her son used until he was about 7 months old…a Woombie. I am definitely investing in one (or 12) of these!
On another note, I stopped my blood pressure meds on Wednesday (at the advice of my doctor, of course). They wanted me to go off them for a week before my 6 week appointment with them to see if I could do without. I have had a couple higher blood pressures, but overall, they have been pretty good. I’m hopeful that I’ll be done with the meds all together. We’ll see what they think. But I’m still happy that I am recovering well. After all the crap that happened, thank heavens I am a good healer!
I’m off to clean a little while Miss Maddie naps….again!