I have a bunch of pictures that have piled up that don’t deserve their own post. So here’s a big random blog post full of pictures….of the girls. Since I’m not doing monthly posts for the girls anymore, a lot of these pictures get forgotten. This probably should have been two posts with all of these pictures. But, oh well! Enjoy….or leave now. 
Dannie loves blowing kisses. She makes the best smacking noise when she does it!

This girl gives the biggest smiles!

We went to Pizza Ranch one night for dinner. Dannie thought her own piece of pizza was the best thing ever!

Dannie playing peek-a-boo with the curtains.

She thought she was pretty funny trying to stand on this stool. She even brought it into the living room all by herself.

We went to my friend’s house for a morning playdate. She was carrying Dannie around and her twins decided they needed to be held, too. This picture makes me giggle.

Dannie has really enjoyed playing with her Lego lately. She was so proud of herself for building this train.

One morning before we left the house, the girls were walking around the house in their hats and jackets. They looked so cute, I just had to stop and snap a picture of them.

Maddie has been loving muffins lately. One evening she wanted to make them. She did most of the stirring and insisted on putting the batter in the muffin tins.

…and she thought she was being sneaky licking the batter. She would tell me “it’s otay, mama. I not mean to. Me do it again? That’s no problem.” This girls cracks me up.

My friend Kelly bought these outfits for the girls when she sent them a bunch of presents a couple months back. The morning of breakfast with Santa, Maddie wanted to wear her dress. So I dressed Dannie in her gifted outfit. They looked so cute in their dresses!

Dannie loves playing with an old keyboard in Chuck’s office.

When Maddie gets upset, she likes to hide behind the bean bag chair. The funny thing is that she gets stuck. 

Maddie likes to “help” Chuck when he is working on the basement. She also likes to wear decorations on her head. 

…and my headphones coupled with some pvc bracelets.

The girls love their books and it melts my heart when they sit and “read” together. Maddie will sometimes read to Dannie pointing out all the pictures and sometimes even make up a story.

Maddie wanted to wear my glasses. She just looks so darn grown up!

Just because she’s cute.

Dannie fell asleep in the car…holding a paint sample.
We had been making lots of trips to Home Depot when I was picking colors to paint the house.

I gave Dannie a taste of the iPad one day when her teeth hurt. It made her happy, but now she wants it whenever she sees it. Oopsy. 

Working on the basement (and me painting), the were lots of trips to Home Depot, as I mentioned. They girls love wandering around looking at things. They also like walking around holding hands. It is so sweet!

One day we went to a local library. They have so many fun things to play with there. Maddie loves doing puppet shows.

And Dannie? Well she likes to eat the puppets.

One lazy morning, we all stayed in our jammies and had some fun with sticks. Dannie is really good at putting the sticks in the small hole (although she much preferred the game with the cap off the cup).

The girls then learned that yelling into the cups was WAY more fun that using their fine motor skills.

We also made some snowflake ornaments and Maddie went to town painting them for family. She did a great job and of course panicked a little if she got ANY paint on her fingers.

I tried the painting thing with Dannie and she cries and throws a fit. She doesn’t like it at all. So we did some coloring instead. This picture was right before she tested the flavor on the crayons. As usual, she just prefers to eat the crayons instead of coloring with them.

I had been trying for the longest time to get a good picture of Dannie standing on her head. She does this all the time. We were in the store picking up our new glasses and there was Dannie…standing on her head. I took the girls to the MOA and Dannie just stops in the hallway to stand on her head. She is a nut!

My mom got Maddie some Rudolph slippers for Christmas. Maddie was so excited to show Dannie that the nose lights up.

I took our tree down shortly after Christmas, but didn’t quite get around to putting the totes away for a couple more days. This was just long enough for Maddie to figure out that she could leap off them!

On one of our many trips to the MOA, I let Dannie wander around (which is her favorite thing….also running from me is high on that list). She just looks so tiny walking the halls of the mall.

There you have it. A bunch of random pictures. I am sure there are more, but I’ll try to hold off on those until they accumulate a little more. Why? Because I like to torture you with pictures of my kids.