A couple months ago, I went to see Cirque du Soleil with my mom and sister-in-law, Katie. I LOVE Cirque shows and this one was amazing and didn’t disappoint. This was Katie’s first Cirque show and she loved it, too!

Chuck bought Maddie a computer game to play together (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs). Maddie likes to play. She likes making her character jump!
I just think they are adorable playing video games together.

One of Maddie’s favorite crafts to do right now is glue and noodles. This will keep her busy for quite some time. It’s a simple activity and I am just happy it keeps her busy for a few minutes. 

Back in September, a couple neighbors had a birthday party for their kids. They had rented a couple ponies for the kids to ride. It was so cute. We figured Maddie would be really excited about it was her turn, and then she would freak out. But to our surprise, she got right on and had a great time. When she was done she told us “that horsey was bumpy.” So cute and so true.

Maddie found a shirt in her drawer that she wanted to wear. I thought it was cute that it said “nerd alert” on it and she had her hair in pigtails. She just looked so adorable.

Speaking of adorable, Maddie likes to wear her ponytails like Dorothy.

And sometimes she likes wearing her hat around. This girl is really into making goofy faces these days!

Maddie got a laptop for her birthday last year and Dannie got one this year. They both love them and it’s so cute to see them play together.

Dannie is walking all over the place now. She really could have been walking for a couple months now, but it was all about will. She just didn’t want to until recently. Now it is all she wants to do and she is so proud of herself.

Maddie likes it when I put our big pillow on the couch. Then she jumps on it and calls it her “taco”. Chuck’s mom made Dannie an activity book. (She made one for Maddie and our niece for their birthdays, too. I’ll do a whole post on it soon.) Maddie likes to play with it…while sitting in her “taco.”

Maddie liked the hat I got from my birthday dinner and wanted to wear it. I couldn’t get her to make a normal face while she was wearing it. I have no idea what she is doing with her hands!

Chuck was cleaning up the office and came across a bunch of post-it notes. Maddie thought she hit the jackpot and was putting them all over herself. Such a goofball!

I hosted a playdate for my MOMS Club and we made Jolly Rancher Suckers. I was impressed that they turned out so well. They were a huge hit with the kids and I know I will save this one to do as kids get older. I think I might make them for Maddie’s next birthday party as favors or snacks on the table.

While I was working on the suckers, Maddie wanted to play in the kitchen with me. She’s kind of a mama’s girl.

The other day I babysat my niece. The three girls play so well together. They were all so happy at lunch time, but I couldn’t get all of them to look at the camera at the same time.

On Thanksgiving, we had Chuck’s mom and step dad over for a Thanksgiving lunch. After the girls went down for a nap, I curled up next to the fireplace with a book. (On my new Kindle, of course!)

I read only a couple pages until this happened. 

So there you have it. A hodge podge of pictures that I have had sitting around. Now I’m off for a repeat of that picture above.