1. Lots of water, fruits, etc.
2. Balanced meals.
3. Sold the boat.
4. Told exciting news to another best friend
5. Told exciting news to my mom.
— my little corner of randomness —
1. Lots of water, fruits, etc.
2. Balanced meals.
3. Sold the boat.
4. Told exciting news to another best friend
5. Told exciting news to my mom.
We had a great Memorial weekend! Thursday we went to a party for Chuck's mom who is retiring this year after years of teaching! It was nice to meet some of the people she has worked with for so long.
Friday…I have no idea what we did on Friday. 🙂
Saturday I got up and went for a jog. 1.8 miles around the neighborhood. This was the same path I ran on Friday. I was so proud! Then we ran some errands and came home and made ladder golf. It has many other names, but you throw two golf balls attached by a string at three tiers of pvc. It was lots of fun to make!
Then we went to our friends' house for dinner. What a gorgeous night to hang out on the deck and laugh with friends. We played some Rock Band well into the night!
Sunday we went to Gertens and returned a plant that died over the winter and picked up a few other things. We came home and planted and moved some plants around and moved a tree and planted some more. It was exhausting, but it looks so nice now that it's done. Then we went to Noodles for dinner and then went to see Iron Man 2. After the movie we went to the grocery store to get some goodies for our party on Monday. It was a perfect day.
Monday Chuck cut the grass and I cleaned the house and put down the rest of the bags of mulch we had to spread. Then one of my best friends came over and we went to the pool for a little while. We finished getting all the food ready then had a bunch of neighbors over to play games and eat in the back yard. It was a great way to meet some of the people in the neighborhood. They were all so nice and friendly, and I know we have made lots of new friends.
Then I promptly fell asleep on the couch watching tv.
The End. 🙂
1. Cleaned and got ready for a party
2. Got done early and had one of my best friends stop by
3. Told friend exciting news.
4. Went to the pool
5. Party with lots of neighbors and made new friends.
1. Got second preliminary exciting news
2. A trip to Gertens
3. Did some planting.
4. Went to Noodles for dinner and to see Iron Man.
5. Confirmed exciting news
1. Got up early and went running.
2. Ran early morning errands
3. Made a ladder golf game
4. Got preliminary exciting news
5. Went to a friends' house for dinner.
1. Jogging this morning
2. Making it 1.8 miles without stopping
3. Feeling energized
4. Making plans with one of my best friends this weekend
5. A gorgeous Friday before a 3 day weekend!
I haven't been running/jogging/exercising in a LONG time. I am not counting our soccer games we have once a week, because, well, just because I'm not! 🙂 I have been eating too much and exercising too little. So this morning, I dragged my butt out of bed and went for a jog at 6AM. I know this may seem crazy to you, but if I am going to exercise, I want to do it in the morning. Why you ask? Simple:
You can view the path I took HERE if you are interested.
Happy Friday!
1. Wearing jeans in to work…then changing into a really cute skirt which was a hand-me-down from a friend.
2. Getting to take the bus close to my house in to work.
3. Staff meeting…the meeting isn't fun, but being away from my desk is. 🙂
4. Getting to go to Linda's retirement celebration
5. Chuck picked me up from work.
1. My car had a flat tire this morning…usually a bad thing except it meant I got to stay home.
2. Job hunting on my day off.
3. Spying on cars and people out the window.
4. A beautiful day and I get to sit by a window and enjoy it.
5. Having lunch with Chuck.
I came across a website I am sure most of you already know about. It's the best time waster I have found…because it actually uses your brain instead of letting it rot in your head!
You'll love it! It gives your vocabulary words and you need to see how many you can get. It donates 10 grains of rice for each question you get right. They start out fairly easy and get harder as you get more right. And you can also make it keep track of your previous score so you don't have to start over each time. You can also change the category if there is something else you want to try…say geography. I don't even attempt that one! 🙂
Have fun wasting some time and learning something at the same time!