Christmas 2014
This year Christmas was a little different. We celebrated with our families a bit early since we moved before Christmas. And since we were moving, I didn't want to move presents, so I had Amazon ship some gifts to our place in Washington. This worked out great! We needed to make a trip to Target...
Read MoreThe Adventure Begins
Last weekend, we packed everything we would want for the next couple months, packed up the kids, and headed to the airport to start our journey. We took Chuck's step-mom, Jean, with us to help with the kids and all our luggage. I'm not sure we could have done it without her! We arrived at...
Read MoreFamily Necklace
Last year, Chuck picked out a necklace for me. This year I added a new stone to it for Alex. I love how it turned out! We didn't go with birthstone colors. I love that Chuck picked darker colors for us and lighter ones for the kids. It's one of my favorite and most special...
Read MoreRobot Blanket
Chuck's mom has made lovely blankets for each of our kids when they are born. Maddie's blanket had a duck on it, Dannie's blanket is an owl, and I picked a robot for Alex's blanket. She puts their name, birth date and info and signs it. I gave her this image as a guide for...
Read MoreHoliday Concert
Maddie had her Holiday concert at school last week. It was so cute. They sang about three songs. As you can imagine, it was a bunch of three year olds yelling, singing off-key and flailing their limbs around wildly. But oh so adorable! She was so proud. She waved to us from stage and sang...
Read MoreAlex * 1 Month Old
I’m not sure how this blog post is here already. My baby boy is 1 month old! It’s been quite a transition to three kids. I’m actually glad we are moving because Chuck has been home to help out with the kids. I’ve really been trying to take it easy as much as possible so...
Read MoreSee You In Seattle
It's actually happening. We are moving to Seattle! We have our flights booked and we couldn't be more excited. Back in September, Chuck was laid off from Microsoft. They were closing all their remote locations and it was such a bummer for everyone there to lose their jobs! After taking a little time off, Chuck...
Read MoreAlex’s Visitors
We are so lucky to have such great family and friends that have come to visit us! Here are some pictures from the hospital and at home. Posted with Blogsy
Read MoreAlexander Charles
The newest little addition to our family arrived on November 17, 2014 at 10:30AM. He weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces and was 19 3/4″ long. I had another scheduled c-section and everything went as planned. I am recovering well (maybe too well since I sometimes overdo it) and the girls love him! We had a...
Read MoreAnnibirthary 2014
Last week, Chuck and I celebrated our 10th anniversary! And on the same day, I turned 34. It was a big day last week. We spent our day in a pretty unconventional way for an anniversarypacking/decluttering our house. (But we did take our early anniversary trip a couple months ago to NYC.) We did have...
Read MoreNovember MOPS Calendar
I know you have been waiting on the edge of your seats for the November calendar from MOPS. Well, wait no longer. Here it is. I didn’t know that November 1st was “Book Lover’s Day”. And since our niece was just adopted from China, it’s good to know that the 22nd is “National Adoption Day”!
Read MoreLarger Than Life & Where There’s Smoke
A while back, a friend told me to download Larger Than Life when it was free on Amazon because she knew I liked Jodi Picoult. I recently finished reading it and found out it was a prequel to one of her new books, Leaving Time. Then I found out there was another short story about...
Read MoreWhere the Mountain Meets the Moon
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon was the pick for my book club this month. We chose it because our city does a program called “OneBook, OneRosemount” where the pick a book for all ages and then have the author come speak. They only do this once every other year. Here is a bit about...
Read MoreOur Dannie
Dannie is really the funniest little thing. She makes the goofiest faces, laughs at everything and is just so sweet and happy. I have been collecting some videos I have taken of her recently. Enjoy. Dannie eating Cheerios. She thought this was the best game ever. I have no idea where she got it, but...
Read MoreWrestling
Not a day goes by that Chuck and the girls don’t wrestle on the big pillow Chuck’s mom made us. The girls like to run laps around the island and bombard Chuck. It’s hilarious! Dannie also really likes to get airplane rides. It’s pretty amusing, too. I just love how much they love their dad...
Read MoreCrazy Baby
The other day I took a video of my stomach moving because little man has been going crazy in there. I’m actually looking forward to him getting a little bigger so he has less room to jam his appendages up under my ribs and poke me so low that I’m afraid he will fall out....
Read More4th Of July
Nothing like posting about the 4th of July on October 1stI promise I’ll be caught up soon. In celebration of the 4th of July, Maddie wanted me to paint her nails. And she did a great job deciding how she wanted them painted. Mid-morning, we went over to my mom’s house for a little...
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