Excuses, Being Sick & Photos
Well, it’s October 2nd and I realized I haven’t posted much of anything on here for most of September. I also didn’t take a whole lot of pictures this month. And I never did a 19 month post about Maddie either. What a great mom! The reason has been my lack of motivation. I have...
Read MoreMoon Over Manifest
I recently finished reading Moon Over Manifest and really enjoyed it. This was our book club book for September. In early October, the author is coming to a local place to talk about the book. I think it will be fun to hear what an author has to say about their book. And I will...
Read MoreSweethearts
Today is a big day! My little brother (well, older of my two little brothersnot the 14 year old) is getting MARRIED! I’m a bridesmaid. Chuck is a groomsman. Maddie is the flower girl. It’s going to be a day filled with fun, chaos, excitement, smiles and laughter (and some tears if you are our...
Read MoreGangnam Style
Chuck showed me this video the other day. This morning I showed it to Maddie. I can’t count how many times I have heard it this morning. Every time it stops, Maddie signs and says “More.” In case you haven’t seen it. I sent it to my brother. Hopefully we can get the DJ to...
Read MoreKatelyn Noelle
One of my best friends and her husband recently had their second little girl. We went to visit them after she was born. She has such a proud big sister! Maddie loved Kate. She loves dolls and babies, so I wasn’t surprised that she wanted to be in my pocket when I was holding the...
Read MoreState Fair
I look forward to the end of August because it means the State Fair is here! I really only go for the food. We went last year, but Maddie didn’t really get a whole lot out of it. This year was totally different. Aside from getting some new teeth and being a crabby wabby, she...
Read More29 Weeks!
I’m 29 weeks now. Well, yesterday. According to the ticker on my site, BG#2 (Baby Girl #2) is the size of a squash. She is definitely much stronger than a squash, though! Oofda, this girl has some muscles! I’m only excited about 29 weeks because I have 10 weeks left until my scheduled c-section! The...
Read MoreThe Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie
I just finished reading this book for book club. Here’s a quick description for you: It is the summer of 1950–and at the once-grand mansion of Buckshaw, young Flavia de Luce, an aspiring chemist with a passion for poison, is intrigued by a series of inexplicable events: A dead bird is found on the doorstep,...
Read More27 Weeks
Depending on how you count, I am either almost to my 3rd trimester or just starting it this week. Everyone seems to count differently. Either way, I have 12 weeks until Baby Girl #2’s birthday on November 13th! (Yes, I know her birthdayI have a c-section already scheduled.) Things are going well. I have spurts...
Read MoreFirst Ride
Sunday night we were a little stir crazy, so we decided to go to the Mall of America and walk around and have dinner. We walked around Nickelodeon Universe and Maddie was in love with the carousel. She kept looking at it saying “wow, wow!” So we decided to let her have her first ride....
Read MoreBucket Head
I’ve said it at least a hundred times, but Maddie is silly. She cracks me up. The last few days she has had me laughing so hard at her because she wants to wear a bucket on her head like a hat. She won’t sit still long enough for a good picture, but you’ll get...
Read MoreA New Doll
We went to a friend’s garage sale the other day and Maddie found herself a new doll. She carried it around with her, fed it, pushed it around in a stroller, wanted to go to bed with it and even wanted to eat breakfast with it. And a couple days later, she still loves...
Read MoreA Couple Random Things
I got to babysit our niece, Amira (Mira) recently and she was such a good girl! She loved the playmat that a friend gave us! I used to keep Maddie’s table near our back door. Then she started pushing the chairs to the door and turning the locks. (I have now moved the table elsewhere...
Read MoreOne Stylish Baby
Not only has Maddie learned the joy of wearing a life jacket and hat around, she has also realized she likes sunglasses! Oh, I love my silly little girl!
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